Our Weasel Of The Week Nominees!!


It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!

Here are this weeks’ nominees….

The Donald!!

Don Surber: Donald Trump (Mustela badhairus) decided that a Silver Star recipient who spent 5 1/2 years as a tortured POW isn’t a hero.This comes from a man who ducked Vietnam. Thank you DT for raising the issue of defending the border, now kindly slither back under the rock you came from.

Media Mongrel Andrea Mitchell!

The Noisy Room:  My nomination this week is Andrea Mitchell.  Andrea Mitchell is an unmitigated media hack. She simply hates the Constitution and abhors the Second Amendment and guns. Naturally, she would spin it that the Chattanooga military massacre has nothing to do with this murdering scum being a radical Islamist. Oh, no… she tried to twist it into Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez being a Southern redneck, gun-toting nut. I’m surprised she didn’t throw in the Confederate flag for good measure. Typical Marxist bull crap. Mitchell’s Progressive, lying tactics are legendary. You know what? This dirt bag’s only known acquaintance with guns was the fact that just weeks before the shooting, he went to a gun range with three other bearded Islamists to practice shooting an AR-15. And I’ll bet it wasn’t for hunting practice, unless of course you count hunting infidels as sport. Which, I’m sure he did.

From The Washington Free Beacon:

MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell went fishing for a better angle Friday when she asked a former classmate of Chattanooga mass murderer Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez whether he enjoyed “hunting” and other “small-town Tennessee activity.”
“Were guns a big part of activities—social or other activities?” Mitchell asked her interviewee abruptly.

“What?” her interviewee responded.
“Did he hunt, did he shoot?” Mitchell prodded. “Was that just part of small-town Tennessee activity?”

“Um, he actually wasn’t one of the guys I heard about going hunting,” Abdulazeez’s classmate responded. “He wasn’t really that kind of guy.”

Mitchell is a vocal opponent of the widespread availability of firearms.

Mitchell blathers on about how painful it must have been for the terrorist’s friends. What about the families and loved ones of the four Marines and the one Navy officer he gunned down? Hmmm? Where’s your crocodile tears for them, Andrea? Who cares what the scum was like in high school or in everyday life. Normal? Really? He was so nice… he murdered a bunch of people and Mitchell can’t wait to blame it on the evil black guns! Even the terrorist’s school chum was taken aback by Mitchell asking about guns and his ‘Tennessee lifestyle.’ How insulting. How condescending. Focusing on the creep’s looks and personality, while the blood of our warriors seeps into the ground crying for justice. It’s grotesque, just like fascist, elitist Andrea Mitchell is. A Southern redneck does not an Islamic Jihadist make and a washed up hack from MSNBC does a lousy job of not only reporting and doing a political spin job, but in feigning humanity. For this and a million other crappy things she has pulled over the years on MSNBC, Mitchell gets my nod as a weasel supreme.

Jihadist Murderer Mohammed Yousuf Abdulaziz

GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD: Mohammed Yuosef Abdulazziz.

Planned Parenthood’s Head Babykiller And Organ Harvester, Dr. Deborah Nucatola!

Puma By Design: My nomination for scuzzbucket Weasel of the Week award is Dr. Deborah Nucatola, senior director of medical research, Planned Parenthood. The thought of aborting innocent babies is horrific enough but to perform such an act in a way that preserves specific body parts for profit is even more unethical. The ability of this woman to discuss the sale of aborted baby body parts and the method of fulfilling the transaction while sipping wine and munching on a salad is evil as is the mindset of those who believe that what they do is for the greater good.

 - Democratic Underground

Ask Marion:  Had bit of a tough weekend, but had to add this…  If I had gotten my nomination in, it would be progressive RINO Arizona Senator and former GOP Presidential Candidate John McCain.  A man who has been riding the crest of being a POW and war hero for decades and using is less than accurate rendition to get elected over and over again.

In ‘one’ online search, I saw McCain described as a liar, a war criminal, a bully, disloyal, an adulterer, a warmonger, a traitor, a hobbit and a RINO. And his heroism seems to be in as serious question and his efforts on behalf of veterans; a lot of rhetoric!  McCain’s book: Faith of My Fathers: A Family Memoir seems to be countered my many veterans and POW’s who served or were imprisoned with him.  After all, if you have a father and grandfather who were both Admirals, it is amazing how history can be rearranged!

We are all flawed, but McCain appears to be one of the most flawed men ever to run for president and he has gotten no better with age!  His questionable history has come back into the forefront with Trumps recent comments.

Well, there it is. What a despicable group of  Weasels… ANY OF THEM COULD WIN! Check back Thursday to see which Weasel walks off with the statuette of shame!

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum.

And remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted on Friday morning.

It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won’t want to miss it...or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content.

And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter..’cause we’re cool like that, y’know?

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Carson wins D.C. GOP straw poll

Washington ExaminerRetired neurosurgeon Ben Carson wowed Washington, D.C., Republicans Monday night as he won their straw poll – and may even be open to D.C. statehood.

In his keynote address to the D.C. GOP, Carson slammed Obamacare, praised school choice and criticized the president for dividing the country. He also pointed to the challenges ahead for Republicans.

The author and conservative favorite noted how nearly 30 million evangelical Christians didn’t vote in the 2012 election and said when it comes to government spending, there are more “people in the wagon than pulling it.”

Answering audience questions, Carson offered his support for a guest worker program modeled after Canada’s while underscoring the necessity of securing the country’s borders. The retired neurosurgeon also reiterated his stance on vaccinations, stating while he supports individual rights, he has seen the crucial role that the nation’s immunization policies have played in eradicating communicable diseases.

Speaking to the Washington Examiner, Carson said he did not object to D.C. statehood but cautioned that it lacked sufficient infrastructure.

When asked about how he could earn the support of more liberal urban Republican voters while holding more socially conservative views, Carson responded that he has not taken controversial positions. “I’ve offered to the gay community an opportunity asking can you let me know what position a person can take who has nothing against gay people but who believes in traditional marriage that is acceptable to them and I haven’t heard an answer to that,” said Carson.

He went on to say that he would support anything to “prevent discrimination period based on sexual orientation, based on religious beliefs, based on everything we are.” Carson added, “the good things is we already have that, it’s called the Constitution of the United States.”

Many attendees were impressed. “The guy know’s what he’s doing,” said D.C. resident Richard Merkle, adding Carson “had a solid understanding of education.” However, Merkle also said he had not heard Carson speak to issues he had hoped to hear him address including trade and foreign policy.

Carson won the straw poll with 44 percent of the vote. Jeb Bush came in second with 17 percent. Marco Rubio next at 11 percent and Scott Walker at 7 percent. In the latest national poll Carson places fifth.

*Side Note:

Donald Trump’s still going up. His poll numbers keep rising: A new Washington Post/ABC News survey shows The Donald now leads the rest of the GOP presidential field by a healthy margin.

Trump’s the choice of 24 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning independent voters, according to the Post/ABC numbers. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is second with 13 percent. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is third with 12 percent.

Posted in Choices, Conservatives, Elections, Health and wellness, Leadership, News and politics, Politics, polls, Strength | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Trump, Truth and the McCain Factor

Don’t like what Trump says?  What if it is true? What if it was taken out of context? And even if it is not popular, what happened to Freedom of Speech?

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Trump Says McCain Is Not a War Hero… or did he? 

“Four times, I said he (McCain) is a hero,” Trump said on July 19th, citing a fact-check by journalist Sharyl Attkisson, but what Trump did go on to say was that McCain “has done nothing to help veterans”; suggesting the senator should actually apologize to him for insulting Trump supporters.

By Marion Algier – Ask Marion

But you know … people in the mainstream media cobble together little selective pieces to spin the news their way. Some, like the HuffPo, have even decided on to cover Trump. If you read or watched what Trump actually said about McCain, you’d probably agree that there was nothing wrong.  See what Linda Qiu of PolitiFact found and see Trump’s Truth-O-Meter record.

Although until recent years, Americans were the freist people in the world to voice their opinions and our Founding Fathers gave us a road map for freedom.  Yet with all that freedom, Americans are some of the least informed people on the planet and are afraid to speak out about their opinions, especially when it comes to politics, religion, and race relations.  Too afraid to offend, which has multiplied 10-fold as we let progressivism and political correctness replace truth and common sense.  This is why people like Donald Trump and Sarah Palin, who stand with and for the people, occasionally come onto the political scene and quickly rise to the top. But the political elites from both parties don’t want to lose their cushy jobs, their under the table deals, their benefits and most of all their control.  So of course, the liberal left will do anything to push the ideals of freedom and capitalism off the stage and with them anyone who espouses those values, for the elites’ vision for America and the future doesn’t include those ideals.  And because our media leans more and more left, they have a built in propaganda machine at their fingertips.

Political Correctness - Robert Griffen

There are also certain subjects that have become near complete taboo.  One of those is questioning an old war veteran’s stories; it’s politically incorrect.  And Trump was pummeled when he opened that door with John McCain.  But when you take a closer look, McCain’s service, war and POW story, Senatorial service and overall life might really not be quite as it was told… even though that is ‘not’ what Trump said.  The truth is that there are many stories that support Trump’s comments and many more stories and videos that supported the facts about McCain’s overall flawed life until McCain decided to run for president in 2008.  Then some were added, but many more disappeared.  And if you build your political life on a lies, shouldn’t it matter, especially if you run for president?  And shouldn’t it be a warning for possible future behavior and past problems?

Asked by ABC News whether he owes McCain an apology, Trump said: “No, not at all.”

“People that fought hard and weren’t captured and went through a lot, they get no credit. Nobody even talks about them. They’re like forgotten. And I think that’s a shame, if you want to know the truth,” Trump said Sunday in Iowa.

“People that were not captured that went in and fought, nobody talks about them. Those are heroes also,” he said.

In an interview on Fox News, Trump hit the Arizona senator again, saying McCain has failed to play a positive role in fixing veterans’ lagging health care system.

“He’s all talk and he’s no action,” Trump said.

    He also compared the criticism he’s faced from Republican presidential contenders to the blowback his comments on undocumented immigrants from Mexico.

    “I brought illegal immigration to the forefront. I believe now I’m bringing the veterans — the plight of the veterans — to the forefront,” Trump said.

    Trump  later Tweeted, “captured or not, all our soldiers are heroes!”

    But more than one source tells us that Trump was not wrong in his comments about McCain’s failure to help Veterans and  even if he had said that McCain was not a war hero.  McCain is only a hero, if the act of being captured alone, gives you that status, regardless of your actions in captivity!  It seems  the “war hero” candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam. Don’t think you’ll read that account in McCains book: Faith of My Fathers: A Family Memoir.  And if you have a father and grandfather who were both Admirals, it is amazing how history can be rearranged!  There is more than one person who would question whether McCain was a war criminal instead of a war hero.

    Video: John McCain Exposed By VietNam Vets and POWs

    McCain’s 5½-year stay at the Hanoi Hilton (officially Hoa Loa Prison) has ever since been the subject of great controversy. He maintains that he was tortured and otherwise badly mistreated. One of many who disagree is Dennis Johnson, imprisoned at Hanoi and never given treatment for his broken leg. He reports that every time he saw McCain, who was generally kept segregated, the man was clean-shaven, dressed in fresh clothes, and appeared comfortable among North Vietnamese Army officers. He adds that he frequently heard McCain’s collaborative statements broadcast over the prison’s loud speakers. 

    And let’s also look at McCain the man and the Senator…  McCain was certainly among the most flawed men ever to run for president! Check out:  The REAL John McCain – Bully, Traitor, Liar, Adulterer and Warmongering Criminal

    John McCain is a member of the pro-amnesty gang of eight whose so-called immigration reform bill would have reduced Republicans and conservatives to permanent minority status in the U.S.; a questionable stance for a Republican Senator from a border state like Arizona! And many felt their bill also opened the door to gun confiscation.  The bill, a betrayal to Americans, was a ruse claiming to promote “immigrant integration” that in reality would have given taxpayers’ money to left-wing and Islamist activist groups such as CASA, La Raza, MALDEF and CAIR. 


    And Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert says McCain was partly responsible for the Benghazi Terror Attacks

    It also appears that John McCain Pressured Obama’s IRS Lois Lerner to Attack Tea Party Conservatives.  Now isn’t that interesting since his running mate, Sarah Palin, is and was the Tea Party’s darling and her addition to the ticket is what finally brought him ahead of the Obama in the polls during McCain’s 2008 Presidential bid?

    Remember the adage, “If you really want to know someone, just look at their friends.  Well, if that statement is true, this photo says it all.  McCain with his good friend George Soros; puppetmaster of both Obama and Hillary. Soros has destroyed economies and countries and has manipulated politicians and policies within the United States for decades. Then sprinkle in the Senator’s questionable friend John Kerry. One might also want to add a question about loyalty to teammates, or was McCain the elite plant and opportunist in the 2008 election; having agreed all along to take the fall for Obama to win and to take down an ‘up and comingcompetent, courageous and charismatic governor from Alaska that worried the power elite?  Is McCain onboard again to help destroy Trump this time around?

    McCain Friend Soros

    It was establishment-backed Republican Senator John McCain, an unabashed enemy of conservatives who once called his conservative colleagues, “wacko birds.”

    The biggest hurdle to winning the White House in 2016 will be the Republican Establishment, which McCain is part of, NOT the Democrat nominee. The election and time to get involved is “now”!

    Posted in Alerts, Americana, Books, Choices, Common Sense, Constitution, Dumbing Down of America, Elections, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, History, Knowledge Is Power, Leadership, Lies, Media, Military, News and politics, Politics, Progressivism, Wake Up, Watch the Other Hand, You Be the Judge | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

    Forum: What Was Your Reaction To The Chattanooga Attack?

    Every week on Monday morning , the Council and our invited guests weigh in at the Watcher’s Forum, short takes on a major issue of the day, the culture, or daily living. This week’s question
    : What Was Your Reaction To The Chattanooga Attack?

    Don Surber: C-in-C should order every officer (commissioned and non-com) to carry a sidearm when on duty stateside. Exemptions for chaplains and working physicians. Maybe a few other MOS. National Guard and reservists would be up to the discretion of commanders as a matter of protocol, while preserving the authority to order so. Any civilian who feels uncomfortable can kindly resign/retire from DoD.

    Puma By Design: Courtesy of the dysfunction in the present administration, America’s enemies are at war with us on U. S. soil empowered by our so-called leaders who are in denial, stupid and in the pockets of our enemies while at the same time, refusing to call this evil by its name.

    America’s enemies are targeting our service members and their families because it is a known fact that they are not armed.

    ARM THEM. They have the right to defend themselves…and us ON American soil.

    GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnDGun free zones get people killed.

    In Chattanooga, the dark one liner is “From DUI and weed to J!had in 90 days.” Busted in April, it appears he made a fast conversion to violence.

    We often prided ourselves here about our easy going laissez-faire attitude. Not anymore. Was this cat self radicalized? Inspired by the mosque? Both? Doesn’t really matter now as armed vigilance is replacing the Coexist stickers and memes.

    We really need all the prayers and good vibes y’all may send.

    JoshuaPundit: Unfortunately, the minute I heard about this atrocity, I knew exactly what was coming. The theme by the media, assorted political figures and the Obama Regime, as always, was to repeat the mantra of ‘senseless violence.’ Hillary Clinton said it, as did the president, Defense Secretary Ash Carter, Florida senators Bill Nelson (Democrat) and Marco Rubio (Republican).

    And of course, no one can imagine why this happened. Nothing to do with Islam, surely! The Pentagon will investigate this for months to let everybody forget about it, and our president will determine what they’ll say. They can’t call it workplace violence like Fort Hood this time, but maybe they can work the mental health angle. Never mind that every attack involving Muslims resulting in mass casualties or attacks on military facilities like this has been jihadist in nature.

    These attacks are not senseless violence. They are directed attacks, whether carried out by so-called lone wolves or otherwise.  The orders are in the Qu’ran, and there’s enough evidence on Mohammed AbdulAzeez’s computer thus far to show the usual pattern – jihadist social media,  and as I’m sure we’ll eventually find out, a jihad preaching mosques with a radical, Islamist imam somewhere in the picture.

    Since 9/11. we, or at least the people we’ve chosen to lead us have made the point time and time again that we’re ‘not at war with Islam.’ Maybe, but anyone observing the world as it is would have to be in a coma not realize that a significant part of Islam’s adherents consider themselves at war with us. That, or willfully deceptive.

    A normal country faced by these kind of facts would secure its borders, limit visas to countries where jihadists and Islamists tend to thrive, and vet very carefully those visas that were approved. It would place Islamist front groups as well as mosques and madrassahs under close scrutiny and eliminate those preaching jihad, radicalizing young Muslims and/or thought to be a security risk. Most important, government facilities like military recruiting offices or bases that are obvious targets would be hardened and guarded with armed security.

    We are doing none of these things. In fact, since Barack Hussein Obama became president, we’re doing exactly the opposite.  There have been numerous attacks, planned and executed against U.S. military facilities on his watch, and yet, the mantra coming out of the White House is always the same..’senseless violence.’

    Here’s a thought as uncomfortable for me to write as it may be for you to read. The four Marines and the Navy Petty officer whom were murdered in Chattanooga may be mourned by us, but in a very real sense, we have their blood on our hands for not calling our elected officials to account… especially this president.

    The one covenant a leader has with those he or she rules is to protect a country’s sovereignty, its people and its borders.  America does not have that.

    If we had any national self respect we would be thronging by thousands in the Capital, and flooding the congressional switch boards demanding this president’s impeachment. We would be  insisting on immediate action to remedy this situation rather than sitting back placidly waiting for  the next attack.

    We would be screaming bloody murder.

    The Right Planet: My initial reaction was one of outrage, followed by profound sadness for the families and friends of those murdered in cold blood in Chattanooga. You know, it’s not like ISIS and its ilk haven’t expressed their desire and intent to kill members of our military right here at home. Furthermore, there have been some 34 service personnel killed at military facilities within the United States on Obama’s watch—specifically, one soldier killed at a Little Rock recruiting station in 2009, 13 murdered at Fort Hood in the same year, three more killed at Fort Hood in 2014, 12 killed at the Washington Navy Yard two years ago, and now four Marines and one Navy petty officer are dead in Chattanooga. Several state governors, including my own, have ordered their National Guardsmen to start carrying weapons. But, to my knowledge, no such orders have been given at the federal level to allow U.S. troops the ability to defend themselves.

    Via the LA Times:

    Despite being active-duty servicemen with military weapons training, few of the victims in these attacks had an opportunity to defend themselves, thanks to Department of Defense Directive 5210.56, enacted in 1992 under President George H.W. Bush.

    That policy strictly limits the military and civilian personnel who can carry firearms at military facilities to those in law enforcement or security roles. U.S. bases and recruiting centers have been “gun-free zones” ever since.

    There have been recent reports of civilians with legal-carry permits standing guard at a few recruitment centers. How messed up are things in this country when civilians must provide security for own troops? Enough, already … ARM OUR TROOPS!

    Laura Rambeau Lee, Right Reason: What is my reaction to this terrorist attack? I am at once saddened at the tragic loss of life of four Marines and one sailor, yet angered that this has happened again on America soil.

    The shooter’s name was Muhammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, a 24 year old Kuwaiti born naturalized American citizen whom friends described as a “devout Muslim.” It is reported he traveled to Jordan in 2014 and to Kuwait and Jordan in 2010. Friends said he changed after his last trip to the Middle East.

    In a media/theater of the absurd, we are being told not to jump to any conclusions about his motivation for these attacks. Isn’t it time we got past wanting to know the shooter’s motivation in these all too familiar scenarios? No one questioned Dylan Roof’s motivation for his slaughter of nine Black church members in Charleston, South Carolina. It was racism – end of story.

    Reports are coming out that Adbulazeez suffered from depression. Perhaps a religion that teaches hatred of all non-believers and rewards martyred jihadis with seventy-three virgins might lead to depression… and violence.

    I am mad that the rules on military bases and these recruitment centers prohibit our service members from being armed. At the very least, this policy should be changed immediately. They must be able to carry firearms, especially knowing they have been specifically targeted by ISIS for attacks. To have served heroically overseas and then to return home only to be attacked in a store front recruiting center should send chills down everyone’s spines, and maybe wake up some. President Obama says we are not at war with Islam, but we should be past the point of acknowledging radical Islamists are at war with us.

    The Glittering Eye: It’s early days in the investigation yet and I don’t want to get ahead of ourselves. I say at this point let the investigation takes its course.

    I’m willing to let the Pentagon decide whether soldiers in recruitment centers or on military bases carry sidearms or whether they should be ordered to do so.

    As of this writing whether there are ties to Al Qaeda or DAESH, whether the perpetrator of the murders was mentally ill or not, and just what lead him to kill people are all unknown. Policy considerations need to be conditioned on actual circumstances rather than imagined ones. Maybe he was radicalized on the Internet or self-radicalized or had some conversion experience on a visit to family in Jordan. We just don’t know.

    Ask Marion: ARM THEM! ARM THEM! ARM THEM! Arm all military personnel on American soil!!

    The wolf is no longer at the door, America’s enemies are at war with us ‘on’ U. S. soil!! America’s enemies are targeting our service members and their families and they know they are not armed. Let them carry a sidearm when on duty stateside.

    ARM THEM… They have the right to defend themselves…and us ON home soil. As Judge Jeanine Pirro said in her opening statement this past weekend: They Want To Kill Us, They Determine To kill Us… And They’re Here.

    Some of the governors have already stepped up in wake of the Chattanooga attacks. Governor Fallin of Oklahoma, has authorized their adjutant general to arm full-time military personnel. Arkansas, Texas and several other state governors have also already stepped up or are in the process. Some other groups like Oathkeepers are also meeting.

    For anyone who thinks this is extreme, just look at Switzerland, a neutral and one of the most peaceful countries in the world. Every adult is a trained member of the Swiss militia and they keep their weapons at home on the ready. In 2011 the Swiss law and tradition was tested and put to a vote. Let us remember our own history and minutemen who were armed and ready to defend themselves and freedom at a minutes notice and step back to using common sense!!

    Well, there you have it.

    Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum. And remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted on Friday morning.

    It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won’t want to miss it.

    And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter..’cause we’re cool like that, y’know?

    Posted in Common Sense, Military, News, Wake Up, You Be the Judge | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

    Obama’s Diversity Police State and Government Mandated Racism


    Getty Images

    By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton – The NoisyRoom

    Obama has brought racism to a whole new level in our government. It’s breathtaking in scope and breadth. He is solidifying his legacy before leaving office with the unprecedented gathering of information on all of us and how we live to be used in racial databases. Not only does the government already have such databases on police departments, they have created monster ones for almost every area of our lives to be used to forward “racial and economic justice” as we have never seen before as a nation. Enforced diversity is racism. Obama is already using the databases against institutions to penalize them and it will get much worse.

    In fact, I wouldn’t put it past Obama to have other databases floating around out there having to do with demographics on gun ownership, religion and political affiliations. But what has just come to light as fact is that he’s got people tallying everything to do with race and mining data on American’s health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, neighborhoods and how children are disciplined in public schools. All of this is to show how ‘hateful’ and ‘racist’ we are as a nation. It creates racism out of thin air and shows it where it never existed. It takes all responsibility from those of color and places it on institutions. It blames repression on an evil white national structure. It’s meant to show how discriminated against minorities are in comparison to whites in every sector of American society.

    Not only will this discriminate against whites, it will be a bonanza for attorneys who will make billions off of petty law suits using these skewed statistics as testimony against individuals and businesses in court. As the New York Post points out, these databases will be weaponized against banks that don’t make enough prime loans to minorities; schools that suspend too many blacks; cities that don’t offer enough Section 8 and other low-income housing for minorities; and employers who turn down African-Americans for jobs due to criminal backgrounds.

    The data collected will be posted online or hidden away as ammo against those perceived to be in violation of the rules and definitions of The Ministry of Truth. The information and data will never stop being collected. It will be passed onto fellow travelers and will become its own division of the federal government. It will even be used for intelligence purposes against the American people by a brand-spanking new form of the Stasi. “Racial disparities” and “segregation” will be seen everywhere and those who run afoul of the new guidelines will be punished legally and financially.

    The magic of these databases is in the skewing of the “analysis” of the data, combined with a shiny new concept, that if you can plausibly “discover” a “pattern” in the data, you can “plausibly” assert that there must exist the intention to create that pattern. And, of course, you can assign any motive you want to that, and the preferred motive du jour is racism. Doesn’t matter whether that’s true, only matters that dot-gov can allege it is. The real cause is, of course, irrelevant. Have a ghetto full of thugs, resulting from bureaucratic meddling and condition-free handouts? Find that a high percentage of the free-ride yo-yos do a lot of misbehaving and wind up in jail? No problem: just “discover a pattern” of disproportionately high incarceration of the thug demographic, assert RACISM! and punish the non-thug population.

    Housing Database

    One of the most ridiculously titled databases I have ever heard of is the prized invention of HUD – the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing database which was debuted this month with the intent of racially balancing the nation (I kid you not) by zip code. Every neighborhood from coast to coast will be mapped according to four racial groups: white, Asian, black and Hispanic. The “geospatial data” will be published pinpointing racial imbalances. Data is subjective by the way… it is malleable and can pretty much mean whatever you want it to for whatever purpose you intend it for. And guess what? If you live in an area that is more than half white, you are going to get classified and ordered to rectify it or have your funding pulled. That’s called racial extortion.

    Cities and towns who take money from the government are about to be told whether they are overly segregated or not. If the government decides they are, then they will be strong armed into constructing more subsidized housing in the midst of established neighborhoods. Neighborhoods that people chose to live in for varying reasons. They hold mortgages there and as the government drives property values down, these people will find themselves trapped and unable to sell their homes. Crime will rise exponentially and as Obama strips more and more Americans of their guns, the murder and death rates will rocket as well. Poverty and chaos will start to be the norm and America will begin devolving into a third world nation. This directly violates freedom of assembly by the way, which by definition is the right to hold public meetings and form associations without interference by the government. The association of those you choose to be your neighbors will be forever constrained by what Obama is doing. Inner-city minorities will be moved into predominantly white areas courtesy of HUD’s maps. The only places exempt from this demographic reconfiguration will be places like, oh… Galt’s Gulch.

    Going Galt

    All aspects of towns and cities will come under review by HUD using these databases. Transportation sites, schools, parks and even supermarkets will be dictated to on the basis of proximity to minorities. If the agency’s social engineers rule the distance between blacks and these suburban “amenities” is too far, municipalities must find ways to close the gap or forfeit federal grant money and face possible lawsuits for housing discrimination. These same towns and cities will now allow civil rights activists to have access to these databases and maps and they will be part of city planning to re-engineer neighborhoods under new community outreach requirements.

    By now it has probably not escaped your notice that this demographic manipulation will have the same electoral impact as gerrymandering, but using the clever device of salting regions with enough demographic mass to tip the scales instead of redrawing the voting district lines. The eventual objective is that it won’t matter where you live, your vote will have been severely diluted. And to see how that’s mechanically implemented, let’s have a look at mortgages.

    Mortgage Database

    The Federal Housing Finance Agency is headed by Mel Watt, who has had solid Socialist/Progressive/Marxist ties throughout his political career. Watt was the Congressional Black Caucus leader as well. So, I’m not surprised at all that he’s heading the construction of a database for racially balancing home loans. The National Mortgage Database Project will compile 16 years of lending data, broken down by race and will be organized with everything from individual credit scores to employment records.

    In this data dump, all lines of credit will be included for an individual. Student loans, credit cards, loans, mortgages… anything reported to a credit bureau will find its way into the database. When this is done, it will make the IRS databanks look amateurish in scope. The database will include other items of personal interest such as what assets you hold, what debts you have paid and haven’t and that payment history, whether you have ever had a bankruptcy or default, your interest rates and even how big your home is. This info will be shared with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. They are notorious for going after lenders who are not seen as lending easily enough to minorities. No real justification is given for all of this other than it is for research purposes and policy making. CFPB Director Richard Cordray explained in a recent talk to the radical California-based Greenlining Institute: “We will be better able to identify possible discriminatory lending patterns.” In America these days, everyone and everything is racist and open to attack by the Marxists.

    Credit Database

    Next comes a database that will track credit card transactions. Up to 900 million accounts will be snagged, designated and sorted by race. That’s about 85% of the credit card market and is intended to show discrimination on interest rates, charge-offs and collections. I bet it will also track and eventually determine who gets what credit lines, etc. Preferential treatment will be given to minorities almost certainly.

    You might find yourself applying for a loan, a card, or some other line of credit, and be turned down for being too white.

    Employment Database

    A rule was also just issued that now requires all regulated banks to report on the hiring of minorities to the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion. That name just makes me cringe. It will collect reams of employment data, broken down by race, to police diversity on Wall Street as part of yet another attempt to scream racism and ensure preference towards minorities.

    School Database

    This one just burns me. The mandatory Civil Rights Data Collection project is dictating that the Education Department gather information on student suspensions and expulsions by race, from every public school district in the country. Districts that show disparities in discipline will be targeted for reform. In other words, if they don’t conform, their funding and licensing will be yanked. Punishment for not obeying will become the norm especially in the schools. It’s already occurring in the schools with disastrous and violent results. As I have said many, many times… get your kids out of the public school system no matter what it takes and do it now.

    The edu-Nazis are demanding to know how many blacks versus whites are enrolled in gifted-and-talented and advanced placement classes. Because, you know, it just isn’t fair. If these classes are shown to not have enough blacks and Latinos, they will be investigated and perhaps sued by the government. The only people doing well off all this nonsense are the lawyers who will sue from both sides of the fence and collect money all around. Racism is profitable after all. And racism will be claimed and proven regardless of whether it exists or not. Numbers are funny like that, they can say whatever you need them to.

    Social Security

    Stay with me here, it looks like I’m mixing topics, but I’m really not. Social Security is a huge database. One that touches every person in the US. Obama is now instituting a new gun ban that will affect everyone connected to Social Security. This is obscene, unethical and unconstitutional in the extreme. This is definitely one of the most evil and despicable moves I have seen to date. Basically, it comes down to this, either you can have your Social Security, which you have paid into your whole life, or you can have your guns. The day after a massacre in Chattanooga, Tennessee is committed by a radical Islamist, where four Marines and a Navy officer are gunned down, Obama made this move. The timing is not a coincidence. This will effect 4.2 million Americans. If they deem you of “marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease,” they will come after your weapons. And this is an issue that the NRA bought into years ago and I warned about. Allowing a carve out for mental illness has allowed the eradication of our Constitutional rights. Those are very, very vague definitions and will be used as fodder against us, trust me. The ban also covers anyone who has their finances handled by other members of their family if they are on Social Security. Have you had enough yet? Because, I know I have.

    Obama is going after the largest segment of the population – retiring baby boomers. He’s using a tactic that was used by Hitler in Nazi Germany and by communists in the Soviet Union. It’s the use of psychiatry as a soft enforcement arm of the federal government. The Nazis began a huge propaganda campaign against mentally and physically disabled Germans. They did not fit into the Nazi stereotype of the pure Aryan, that is physically fit with an obedient mind to serve the Reich. In addition, they were viewed as a burden on society, as they were unable to work and drained resources from the state. Sound familiar? Now, Obama is making similar moves against the retired and elderly. You can either starve or be a casualty of crime in Obama’s new and improved regime. Either way, the feds win. Either you die off saving them money and resources or you are disarmed and stand a good chance of being eliminated by criminals sanctioned by the State. This is massive extortion against Americans, attempting to force them into relinquishing their Second Amendment rights and into giving up their guns. To this I say,“Aw, nuts!” Social Security is being used as one more database to ensure that everyone is equally helpless and the funds therein, that you and I have paid for, will be meted out depending on compliance and perceived need.

    Never in the history of the United States have these types of intrusive databases existed. I would not be surprised if these are being housed in those NSA facilities in Utah. This much data is just staggering. Obama has instituted a diversity police state, complete with race cops and a legion of civil rights lawyers. He has mandated racism from the White House. Anything touched by federal funding will come under the sway of what amounts to a race mafia. The data will be used to justify reparations and wealth redistribution as we have never seen before. It will also be used to keep Marxists in office indefinitely. These databases will be used to crush our Constitutional rights in every way imaginable. Data is power – the power to rule ruthlessly.

    “America is at that awkward stage. It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.”

    – Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do ‘Til the Revolution

    The Stupidity of Sophisticates

    Apple Doesn't Fall Far... From the Tree

    They would be so proud!

    Posted in Alerts, Asshats, Big Brother, Constitution, Elections, History, Knowledge Is Power, Politics, Wake Up, Watch the Other Hand, You Be the Judge | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

    Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – They Want To Kill Us, They Determine To kill Us They’re Here

    Video:  Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – They Want To Kill Us, They Determine To kill Us They’re Here

    Posted in Alerts, Knowledge Is Power, Military, News and politics, Wake Up, You Be the Judge | Tagged , , , , , , | 8 Comments

    Huffington Post Announces No Political Coverage of Donald Trump – After All They Know Better than You…

    By Marion Algier – AskMarion

    As usual, the Progressive Media thinks they know better than you… and that they should be able to manipulate the election based on their reporting and choices, just like they manipulate public opinion on just about everything they report.  Even when they report on the Kardashians, you only get what they choose to report.  Did you hear or see this story or opinions from the leftist mainstream media news?

    Newsbusters: Careful, Huffington Post. Your bias is showing. Actually your bias is screaming out loud with the announcement by HuffPo Washington Bureau Chief Ryan Grim and their Editorial Director Danny Shea that they would no longer report on the Donald Trump campaign in their political coverage. Instead their coverage of Trump will take place in their Entertainment section. Think I’m kidding? Well, read the announcement that basically says that the Huffington Post is chock full of bias as you can see from the very snarky title, A Note About Our Coverage Of Donald Trump’s ‘Campaign’:

    After watching and listening to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy for president, we have decided we won’t report on Trump’s campaign as part of The Huffington Post’s political coverage. Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section. Our reason is simple: Trump’s campaign is a sideshow. We won’t take the bait. If you are interested in what The Donald has to say, you’ll find it next to our stories on the Kardashians and The Bachelorette.

    So the Donald Trump ‘campaign’ is merely a sideshow. Yeah, a sideshow that has moved into the lead among the Republican candidates according to recent polls. Even if Trump were not leading, his campaign has drastically changed the nature of what is being discussed by all the candidates. Of course, the Huffington Post’s absurdly biased announcement went over like a lead balloon with most of the readers at that site. Even many folks who don’t like Trump disagreed with it.

    How can you believe in freedom of press, speech and not report on his campaign ? You may not like what he says but if you do not report on it than your no better than him ! Freedoms go both ways. I do not like his politics or what he says but I will defend his right to say it, as a media outlet you should know better!

    I’m a progressive liberal and wouldn’t vote for Trump under any circumstances. However, I don’t agree with this decision, it only adds fuel to the claim that the liberal media is biased against republicans.

    Wow this is bias, I’m a progressive, but the man is a billionaire, using his own money, is drawing supporters, and is at the top of credible national polls, this is wrong Huffintonpost.

    You are joking right? Moving a political candidate’s coverage to an entertainment page? You’ve lost this reader gang.

    Finally this very appropriate observation from MRC’s research director, Rich Noyes:

    It seems high and mighty of the Huffington Post to decide who is and who isn’t a real candidate when Donald Trump is leading in the Republican polls right now, They wouldn’t have taken kindly if the rest of the media had treated Arianna Huffington’s run for governor of California as a sideshow. I would say it’s up to the voters to decide who is a real candidate and who is not.

    Some Things Never Seem to Change:

    1,000-member secretive progressive journalist group uncovered 

    Brother of Jour’no’list – Secretive Leftwing Network Redux

    Jour’no’lists… The Truth of Media Fraud Confirmed

    Fixing the News

    The lie launderers

    Creating an Incident… Ignoring the Facts… Manipulating the Public… Controlling the Media

    Long Lost Sarah Palin Emerges From Released Emails Victoriously…

    Politico Palin Alert: Vast Left Wing Conspiracy’s Mission: ‘Sarah Palin Must Be Destroyed’ Uncovered!

    The Lesson in the Betrayal of Sarah Palin

    ‘Lollipop Guild’ of RINO’s Goes On Attack; Trump Bites Back

    Our Weasel Of The Week! – Ted Cruz’s book did not appear on the New York Time’s bestseller list –  07-16-15

    Vapid Musings At Vox And Why The American Revolution Was NOT A Mistake

    Posted in Conservatives, Elections, Entertainment, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Knowledge Is Power, Media, News and politics, Politics, polls, Wake Up, Watch the Other Hand | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

    The Council Has Spoken! Our Watcher’s Council Results


    The Council Has Spoken! The votes have been cast and the results are in for this week’s Watcher’s Council match up.

    “I saw that the Aztecs were eating human meat, just like we take cows from the butcher’s shops, and they have in all towns thick wooden jail-houses, like cages, and in them they put many Indian men, women and boys to fatten, and being fattened they sacrificed and ate them.” – Bernal Díaz, a member of Cortez’s party in “The Conquest of New Spain” (written in 1568, published 1632)

    “When I was in Holland, the idea was, all cultures are equal and all are to be preserved. My idea was, no, all humans are equal, but not all cultures are equal.” – Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    “We’re going to take over all the political institutions of California. California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn’t like it should leave. If they [Anglos] don’t like Mexicans, they ought to go back to Europe.” – Mario Obledo, former California secretary of health and welfare, 1998 Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient and co-founder of Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) interviewed on radio station KIEV, Los Angeles, June 17, 1998.

    “Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just plain wrong.” – Muhammed Ali


    This week’s winning essay, The Right Planet’s MTV Shames White People for ‘What They’ve Done in America’ is about MTV’s latest venture – the public racial shaming of white people on national television for profit and entertainment.And The Right Planet’s Brent Parrish had a few straight to the heart things to say about that. Here’s a slice:

    Gay journalist and illegal immigrant Jose Antonio Vargas has produced a documentary for MTV called White People. Apparently the whole purpose of the documentary is to perpetuate the “white privilege” meme by gathering up some Caucasian youths in order to make them feel “uncomfortable” about their whiteness.

    Via Entertainment Weekly:

    Discomfort has a name, and it’s MTV’s “White People.”

    The network is serious about its newest documentary from Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, who won the prize for covering the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007. “White People” tackles the hot topic conversation of white privilege head-on in a special presentation borne out of MTV’s Emmy-winning Look Different campaign.

    The doc premieres on July 22 on MTV and follows five young white people from around the country, exploring their notions of racial identity in modern America.

    Ah yes, let the Great Shaming continue!

    Jose Vargas was born in the Philippines and came to the United States when he was twelve. According to a 2011 NYT article penned by Vargas, his mother sent him to live with his grandparents in the U.S. without obtaining authorization for him to stay in the country permanently. No word yet on when Vargas will shame his fellow “brown people” back in the Philippines over the fact they were “named as one of the most racist countries in the world” … not to mention their treatment of undocumented “yellow people.”

    But I digress.

    You know, as a white person, my idea of “white privilege” would go a little something like this … Let’s say I illegally entered Mexico and managed to land a job with the Mexican equivalent of Viacom (the corporation that produces MTV). And let’s say I produced a documentary titled Brown People that was funded by “brown people.” And let’s say the whole point of my documentary was to make “brown people” feel uncomfortable about what they have done in Mexico, as “brown people.” (You know, the Aztecs, Mayans, human sacrifices, drug cartels, narco-terror wars, and all that.) Of course, I’d also remind the “brown people” of how La Raza-ist (i.e. racist) they are if they expressed any displeasure over the fact that I had illegally emigrated to their country in order to make them feel uncomfortable about their “brown privilege.”

    Now, if I could pull that off … that’s what I would call “white privilege.”


    If we are forever going to be aggrieved by things that no one alive today had anything to do with (i.e. slavery), or assign collective guilt to an entire race of people over the actions of certain members from that race, then the hostility, resentment and rage will never end. But, sadly, there are those who benefit and enrich themselves by creating and fomenting permanent division (i.e. Marxist-Leninists et al).

    More at the link.

    In our non-Council category, the winner was the inimitable Mark Steyn with The Stupidity of Sophisticates submitted by The Noisy Room. and does Mark Steyn take them apart! A must read.

    Here are this week’s full results. Rhymes With Right, VA Right, Bookworm Room and GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD were unable to vote this week, but none were subject to the usual 2/3 vote penalty for not voting :

    Council Winners
    Non-Council Winners

    See you next week!

    Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum. and every  Tuesday morning, when we reveal the weeks’ nominees for Weasel of the Week!

    And remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted on Friday morning.

    It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won’t want to miss it...or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content.

    And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter..’cause we’re cool like that, y’know?

    Posted in Knowledge Is Power, Media, News, News and politics, Politics, Thoughts ..., Wake Up, Watch the Other Hand, You Be the Judge | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

    When judges corrode the law

    By Jeff Jacoby can be reached at jacoby@globe.comBoston Globe

During his Supreme Court confirmation hearings in 2005, then-Judge John Roberts emphasized his strong belief in judicial modesty. “Judges are like umpires,” Roberts famously said. “Umpires don’t make the rules; they apply them.” If confirmed as chief justice, he promised, “I will remember that it’s my job to call balls and strikes and not to pitch or bat.”

    But it was no impartial umpire who authored last week’s 6-3 opinion in King v. Burwell, the Obamacare subsidy case. Far from applying the rules as enacted in the Affordable Care Act, the chief justice discounted those rules as the product of “inartful drafting,” passed by Congress without sufficient “care and deliberation.” The lawmakers’ substandard work product, he argued, freed the Supreme Court to disregard the statute’s plain language, construing it to mean the opposite of what it says.

    The specific issue was whether health plans purchased through insurance exchanges established by the federal government are eligible for tax subsidies. Since the law explicitly restricts subsidies to “an exchange established by the state,” the answer should be obvious. But disallowing subsidies in states that refused to establish exchanges might have caused Obamacare to implode. That wasn’t an outcome Roberts wished to risk, so he turned the straightforward meaning on its head. “An exchange established by the state,” he wrote, also means an exchange not established by the state.

    In short, as law professor Jonathan Adler tartly observed, the “umpire” took it on himself “to pinch hit to ensure the right team wins.”

    Roberts is hardly the first justice to succumb to the temptation to contort the law’s plain text to generate a desired policy result. Ten years ago, the court infamously ruled in Kelo v. City of New London that private homes could be seized by eminent domain and given to corporate developers. The Fifth Amendment authorizes such takings only when the government needs the land for a legitimate “public use” — for instance, to build a highway. But in a 5-4 opinion by Justice John Paul Stevens, the court decided that “public use” could also mean private use, so long as the new owners were expected to create new jobs or pay more taxes than the dispossessed former owners. In effect, Kelo empowered government to transfer almost any owner’s property to a more powerful private party: exactly what the constitutional language forbids.

    The Commerce Clause is another constitutional passage whose meaning has been corrupted by judicial presumption.

    One of the federal government’s limited powers, enumerated in Article I, is “to regulate commerce . . . among the several states.” For most of American history, Congress and the courts respected the obvious distinction between interstate trade, over which federal regulators have authority, and purely local intrastate activity, which the Constitution placed beyond their reach. That distinction died with Wickard v. Filburn, a 1942 case in which an Ohio farmer was penalized for growing more wheat than federal rules allowed. Nearly all of Roscoe Filburn’s wheat was consumed on his own farm; none crossed state lines. Yet on the theory that even a few bushels of home-consumed wheat might indirectly affect the national wheat market, the justices decided that Congress could regulate it. By that logic, Congress can regulate everything. Now, alas, it does.

    Take one more case of justices riding roughshod over a text’s clear meaning: United Steelworkers v. Weber. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, it is “unlawful” for “any employer” to discriminate on the basis of race in “on-the-job training programs.” So when Kaiser Aluminum set up an on-the-job training program that gave preference to black employees, the white employee who sued had an open-and-shut case, right? Wrong: In a 1979 decision, Justice William Brennan wrote that the excluded white worker could not rely “upon a literal construction” of the law, since Congress’s intention had been to improve the condition of blacks. Bottom line? A law prohibiting race-based hiring must be interpreted to permit race-based hiring. Brennan favored racial preferences. Therefore racial preferences would be upheld, statute or no statute.

    The rule of law isn’t indestructible. It is corroded by judges who act like superlegislators — never more so than when torturing the plain words of the law, forcing them to say what they don’t mean.


    Dante Ramos: Justice Antonin Scalia’s bitter dissent

    Supreme Court justices on same-sex marriage

    Michael J. Klarman: Justices have malleable view of democracy

    Editorial: Court’s decision on Obamacare should sober opponents

    Editorial: A landmark affirmation of individual dignity

    Posted in Constitution, Knowledge Is Power, Politics, Thoughts ..., Wake Up, Wisdom, You Be the Judge | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

    Our Weasel Of The Week! – 07-16-15

    Yes, once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

    Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner… the envelope please…


    Pravda-on-the Hudson And The Compilers Of Its Faux ‘Best Seller ‘ List

    JoshuaPundit and Nice Deb: Sometimes it’s small, sleazy actions that best bring out the true Weasel behavior.

    Ted Cruz has a brand new book out, “A Time for Truth: Reigniting the Promise of America,” published on June 30. Unlike most of these sort of books, it’s an autobiography Ted Cruz wrote himself sans ghostwriter, and it really does give you an understanding of whom he is, what he believes and why. And it’s also a pretty good read.

    The book sold 11,854 copies in its first week, according to Nielsen Bookscan’s hardcover sale numbers. That’s more than 18 of the 20 titles that appeared on the New York Time’s bestseller list for the week ending July 4. Aziz Ansari’s “Modern Romance,” which was #2 on the list, sold fewer than 10,000 copies. Ann Coulter’s “Adios, America,” at #11, sold just over half as many copies that week.It is currently #4 on the Wall Street Journal hardcover list, #4 on the Publisher’s Weekly hardcover list, #4 on the Bookscan hardcover list, and #1 on the Conservative Book Club list.

    Ted Cruz’s book did not appear on the New York Time’s bestseller list at all and still hasn’t even though it’s still selling in the top five.

    When Harper Collins inquired why the Times was  the Cruz book, they were told by Times spokesmouth Eileen Murphy that the book “didn’t meet our standards for inclusion.”

    “Our goal is that the list reflect authentic best sellers, so we look at and analyze not just numbers, but patterns of sales for every book.” She then accused Harper Collins of arranging bogus bulk sales, claiming that “the overwhelming preponderance of evidence was that sales were limited to strategic bulk purchases,”

    No less than Amazon,  the largest Internet retailer in the country outed this for the horse manure it was:

    “As of yesterday, ‘A Time for Truth’ was the number 13 best-selling book, and there is no evidence of unusual bulk purchase activity in our sales data,” Sarah Gelman, Amazon’s director of press relations, said in an email.

    Amazon’s findings match those of HarperCollins, the book’s publisher, which said Friday that it had “investigated the sales pattern” for Cruz’s book and found “no evidence of bulk orders or sales through any retailer or organization.” Moments after that announcement, Cruz’s campaign issued a press release accusing the Times of lying and calling on the paper to provide evidence of bulk purchasing or else formally apologize.

    “The Times is presumably embarrassed by having their obvious partisan bias called out. But their response — alleging ‘strategic bulk purchases’ — is a blatant falsehood,” Cruz campaign spokesperson Rick Tyler said in a statement Friday. “The evidence is directly to the contrary. In leveling this false charge, the Times has tried to impugn the integrity of Senator Cruz and of his publisher HarperCollins.”
    Ironically, according to Keith Urbahn, the book’s literary agent,the Times’ weasel actions are actually helping sales.

    You know, my father of blessed memory (Z”l) used to have a very Brooklyn expression I can’t repeat here for people who tried to pull this sort of weasel thing and got caught at it. The very pettiness of the action and the easily debunked blatant lie to try and justify it is reminiscent of Hillary Clinton, and the Times handled it the same way she did – stonewalling it as long as possible and then very quietly, without admitting any wrongdoing or really apologizing just moving on:

    Times spokesperson Eileen Murphy said that the newspaper made no changes to its selection process, and so the fact that Cruz’s book is being included now suggests a rise in individual purchases, spurred by his public battle with the paper.

    “This week’s NYT best seller list was arrived at using the same process as last week’s – and the week before that,” Murphy wrote. “That process involves a careful analysis of data, and is not influenced in any way by the content of a book, or by pressure from publishers or book sellers.”

    Have you ever heard such horse manure? Now, after lying about ‘bulk strategic purchases’ as an excuse to blackball Cruz’s book and being outed by the publisher and biggest major retailers as the weasels they are, they finally admit Cruz’s book to their putrid list where it debuts at number 7 rather than number 3 where it  would have had they  allowed it on the list when it first came out. And this is the so-called ‘paper of record.’ If they’d lie about something like this, can you imagine what they lie about when they present ‘the news?’


    And this Eileen Murphy…her official title at the Times where she’s worked for the last four and a half years is ‘vice president of corporate communications.’  I know, jobs are hard to come by, but imagine you had to wake up in the morning and mouth these sordid prevarications for a living to earn a paycheck. So I decided to award the Weasel to her, so she can share it with her co-workers. It’ll look great right next to the Jayson Blair portrait, Walter Duranty’s Pulitzer Prize, and other mementos of Time’s history to remind them all of whom they really are every time they look at the Golden Weasel.

    Well, there it is.

    Check back next Tuesday to see who next week’s nominees for Weasel of the Week are!

    Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum, and remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted on Friday morning.

    It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won’t want to miss it…or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content.

    And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter..’cause we’re cool like that, y’know?

    Posted in Asshats, Books, Knowledge Is Power, Lies, Media, Politics, Progressivism | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment