Manifesto Puts Hillary’s Deputy Chief In Middle Of Muslim Plot – Please Read more:

Manifesto puts Hillary chief in Saudi plot

Huma Abedin worked for family institute tied to establishing Islamic America

(WND) Although President Obama lavishly praised her over the weekend as an “American patriot,” a manifesto commissioned by the ruling Saudi Arabian monarchy effectively places the work of an institute that employed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff at the forefront of a grand plan to mobilize U.S. Muslim minorities to transform America into a Saudi-style Islamic state, according to an Arabic-language researcher.

Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, was an assistant editor for a dozen years for the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs for the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs. The institute – founded by her late father and currently directed by her mother – is backed by the Muslim World League, an Islamic organization found in the Saudi holy city of Mecca that was founded by Muslim Brotherhood leaders.

Amid a backlash against five Republican lawmakers who want to probe Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the federal government, the 2002 Saudi manifesto shows that “Muslim Minority Affairs” – the mobilizing of Muslim communities in the U.S. to spread Islam instead of assimilating into the population – is a key strategy in an ongoing effort to establish Islamic rule in America and a global Shariah, or Islamic law, “in our modern times.”

Read Walid Shoebat’s full report on the Saudi manifesto

The manifesto, a sweeping account of the king’s success in disseminating the radical Wahhabi interpretation of Islam worldwide, does not mention the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs by name. But it cites a book written by Huma Abedin’s father, “Muslim Minorities in the West,” listing him as co-author.

The manifesto was unearthed and translated by Walid Shoebat, a Palestinian American author and critic of radical Islam who has done extensive research on the Abedin family’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhod and its Wahhabist affiliations.

The “Muslim Minority Affairs” agenda, the manifesto says, works “under the umbrella of the Muslim World League and the International Islamic Relief Organization and World Association of Muslim Youth and others,” which essentially is the chain of command for the Abedins’ Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, as confirmed by the Arab Dictionary on Media Icons.

The Saudi document notes that the king “declared from the first day that the Kingdom (of Saudi Arabia) was formed that its purpose was to spread the Shariah throughout the world, as it had been revealed in the Quran and the sunnah,” the sayings and deeds of Muhammad.

It identifies “the Jews” as the main obstacle to success: “The greatest challenge that faces Muslims in the United States and Canada are the Jews who take advantage of their material ability and their media to distort the image of Islam and Muslims there by spreading their lies and distortions in the minds of the people in these countries.”

Huma’s father, Sayed Zaynul Abedin, founded the Institute for Minority Affairs in 1979. Huma was listed as an assistant editor from 1996 to 2008 for IMMA’s Journal for the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, the key disseminator of the institute’s ideas. Huma’s mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Shoebat documents that Huma’s brother, Hassan Abedin, has worked with Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Omar Naseef, former secretary general of the Muslim World League and founder of a group reputed to fund terrorists, including al-Qaida.

Qaradawi was the author of an internal 1991 Muslim Brotherhood memo presented in the terror-financing trial of the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation. It said the Muslim Brotherhood “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and by the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

President Bush issued an executive order shortly after 9/11 designating Naseef’s Rabita Trust, a subsidiary of the Muslim World League, a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity, and the Treasury Department froze its assets.

Saleha Abedin also is chairwoman of the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child, the IICWC, an entity within the Muslim World League that designated Qaradawi as the main author of its charter and policies. Her group partners with the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief, which Israel has outlawed as a terrorist group that funds Hamas. The Washington, D.C.-based Center for Security Policy has warned that the IICWC is pressing for the repeal of Egypt’s Mubarak-era prohibitions on female genital mutilation, child marriage and marital rape. The IICWC say the prohibitions conflict with Islamic law.

Saleha Abedin also is vice dean at Dar El-Hekma College in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She helped found the school with Yaseen Abdullah Kadi, a designated terrorist by the U.S. and a member of the bin Laden family.

Two years ago, Huma Abedin arranged for Clinton to speak at the school alongside Saleha and another member of the Muslim Sisterhood, Suheir Qureshi.

Shoebat believes the Wahhabist connection to the Abedin family is significant and that Huma Abedin, as an assistant editor for the Journal for the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs was serving the interests of Saudi Arabia’s anti-American foreign policy.

Security clearance

Advocates for an investigation of the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence on the U.S. government argue a simple reading of security clearance guidelines in reference to Huma Abedin’s family would warrant investigation.

The Center for Security Policy notes that security clearance guidelines for federal employees state a “security risk may exist when an individual’s immediate family, including cohabitants and other persons to whom he or she may be bound by affection, influence, or obligation are not citizens of the United States or may be subject to duress.”

The guidelines express concern for any “association or sympathy with persons or organizations that advocate the overthrow of the United States Government, or any state or subdivision, by force or violence or by other unconstitutional means.”

Nevertheless, Clinton’s top aide, who was born in the U.S. but raised in Saudi Arabia, has been fiercely defended by both Democrats and Republicans since five Republican lawmakers led by Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., cited her as an example of possible Muslim Brotherhood infiltration and asked the inspector generals at the departments of Homeland Security, Justice and State to investigate.

Yesterday, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank suggested researchers and lawmakers who have presented evidence of the Muslim Brotherhood ties of Abedin and her family are motivated by racism. He commented it’s “hard to escape the suspicion” that the charges have “something to do with the way she looks and how she worships.”

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., called the request for an investigation of Abedin and her family a “sinister” and “nothing less than an unwarranted and unfounded attack on an honorable woman, a dedicated American and a loyal public servant.”

But Shoebat says that “page after page” of the Saudi manifesto casts “Muslim Minority Affairs” not “simply as a title or as a religious or even a social entity, but as a Saudi foreign policy, a jurisprudence and commandment from the highest of authorities commissioned to the Saudi Ministry of Religious Affairs.”

It’s the Saudi Ministry of Religious Affairs that enforces the infamous ban on any expression of any religion other than Wahhabi Islam in Saudi Arabia through its religious police, the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.

Shoebat says the manifesto recalls five decades of efforts and billions of dollars spent “to ensure that Muslims will be an unassimilated group which then can influence the non-Muslim host nation and other nations, regardless how small the numbers of Muslims, by shifting the demographic scale due to their population growth in favor of this Saudi agenda.”

As WND has reported, a founder of the Saudi-funded, Muslim Brotherhood front group Council on American-Islamic Relations, Omar Ahmad, spoke to a group of Bay Area Muslims in 1998 about their duty to not “melt” into American culture but, instead, to spread Islam in America until it becomes “dominant” and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth, according to a local reporter who stands by her story despite CAIR’s claims to the contrary.

President Obama speaks at White House Iftar dinner, Aug. 10 (White House photo)

It Figures… Huma Abedin Sits With Muslim Brotherhood Leader at Obama’s Iftar Dinner

‘Values that we hold dear’

President Obama praised Huma Abedin at a White House dinner Friday night celebrating the Muslim ritual of Iftar, which concludes the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

Obama said Abedin has been “nothing less than extraordinary in representing our country and the democratic values that we hold dear.”

Shoebat noted that the head of the Islamic Society of North America, a Muslim Brotherhood-backed group mentioned as an important player in the 2002 manifesto, was sitting across from Abedin at the White House Iftar dinner.

In his remarks, Obama said, to applause, that among the “American women serving with distinction in government” are his “good friend, Huma Abedin, who has worked tirelessly” in the White House, U.S. Senate and “most exhaustingly, at the State Department.”

While many defenders of Abedin have downplayed her influence – even to suggesting she’s little more than a fashion adviser to the pantsuit-wearing secretary of state – Obama indicated she has a role in policy.

“Senator Clinton has relied on her expertise, and so have I,” Obama said.

In a June 7, 2011, feature, the Washington Post reported Abedin is “personally close to Clinton” and “oversees planning and scheduling and advises on politics and policy, especially the Middle East.”

Obama told Iftar guests the “American people owe her a debt of gratitude – because Huma is an American patriot and an example of what we need in this country – more public servants with her sense of decency, her grace and her generosity of spirit.”

“So, on behalf of all Americans, we thank you so much.”

Major authorities

Shoebat says the Abedins’ Journal for Muslim Minority Affairs acknowledges that the Muslim Brotherhood’s Qaradawi and Alwani are major sources of Islamic authority to back their doctrine of how Muslims should act when they are a minority.

Alwani, who, as WND reported, vets Muslim military chaplains for the State Department, asserts in a paper titled “The Jurisprudence of Muslim Minority Affairs” that the whole world already is under the rule of Islam.

Shoebat notes Alwani speaks of a future literal war.

Alwani writes that “the land belongs to Allah, his religion is Islam, and every country is already in the House of Islam – now in the present time – since they will be in the House of Islam by force in the near future.”

The director of the Islamic Center of Lubbock, Texas, Mohammed bin Mukhtar Shanqeeti, agrees.

“The Muslim Minority Jurisprudence is not a heresy or a novel,” he writes, “it’s an ancient doctrine filled with the provisions for Muslims living in Dar al-Kufr (House of the Heathen) or Dar Al-Harb (House of War).”

Shoebat says the “Muslim Minority Affairs” plan combines two Islamic jurisprudences: The Minority Affairs Jurisprudence and the Jurisprudence of Muruna, or “flexibility.”

Under this doctrine, Muslim minorities, because of their special circumstances, can do some things other Muslims are not allowed to do, if they are for the purpose of advancing Islam.

Shoebat believes the doctrine of Maruna has allowed Huma Abedin to marry former congressman Anthony Wiener, a Jew, who resigned his office in disgrace after he was found to have engaged in illicit Internet communications with other women.

Islamic law bars a Muslim woman from marrying a Jew. But Shoebat argues the marriage is “one more reason for suspicion,” since Huma’s mother, a Muslim Brotherhood leader, never denounced it.

Saudi Manifesto Puts Hillary’s Deputy Chief In Middle Of Muslim Plot

Freedom Outpost:

huma and hillaryAccording to an Arabic-language researcher, Walid Shoebat, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, is at the forefront of a plan to organize U.S. Muslim minorities to transform America into a Saudi-style Islamic state. Apparently a manifesto commissioned by the ruling Saudi Arabian monarchy is what has specifically pointed out Abedin’s involvement in the Muslim Brotherhood and this mobilization.

Abedin was an assistant editor for twelve years for the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs for the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs. This institute was founded by her father and is currently directed by her mother. The organization is backed by the Muslim World League, which is an Islamic organization located in Mecca that was founded by Muslim Brotherhood leaders.

WND reports,

Amid a backlash against five Republican lawmakers who want to probe Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the federal government, the 2002 Saudi manifesto shows that “Muslim Minority Affairs” – the mobilizing of Muslim communities in the U.S. to spread Islam instead of assimilating into the population – is a key strategy in an ongoing effort to establish Islamic rule in America and a global Shariah, or Islamic law, “in our modern times.”

The manifesto, a sweeping account of the king’s success in disseminating the radical Wahhabi interpretation of Islam worldwide, does not mention the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs by name. But it cites a book written by Huma Abedin’s father, “Muslim Minorities in the West,” listing him as co-author.

The manifesto was unearthed and translated by Walid Shoebat, a Palestinian American author and critic of radical Islam who has done extensive research on the Abedin family’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhod and its Wahhabist affiliations.

The “Muslim Minority Affairs” agenda, the manifesto says, works “under the umbrella of the Muslim World League and the International Islamic Relief Organization and World Association of Muslim Youth and others,” which essentially is the chain of command for the Abedins’ Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, as confirmed by the Arab Dictionary on Media Icons.

Huma’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood have led at least five congressional representatives to call for an investigation into how the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. government. Among those leading the charge are Rep. Michele Bachmann, who was viciously attacked for warning and asking for an investigation into the matter. Even Secretary Clinton slammed Bachmann for the letters she wrote asking for an investigation.

Some have tried to dismiss the allegations of Abedin’s involvement in the Muslim Brotherhood and point out that she is married to a Jew and that it seems unorthodox for a Muslim to do such a thing. Dana Milbank from the Washington Post thought this was significant enough to write about.

However Shoebat points out:

Actually, marrying a Jew is no evidence of Huma’s loyalty to the United States. In fact, it’s additional cause for concern. If I asked Blitzer and Milbank to define Muruna they would sit there baffled, they know zip when it comes to Arabic or Muslim Brotherhood foreign policy. Yusuf Qaradawi, the spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood who has been close to – and served by – the Abedins, explains it:

“Is it permissible, then, to have alliances with powers that are non-Muslim? Can Muslims work in banks that practice usury? … For the young Muslims they should not leave their jobs in banks and insurance agencies despite their work being evil, since their experience in these agencies would gain experience for what would benefit the Muslim commerce … whoever examines the issues in light of the Doctrine of Muruna would find that entry into these arenas is not merely a project, but a preference and a duty.”

Muruna (Flexibility) which includes “sanctioning Sharia prohibitions for an interest” is completely justified by the Brotherhood. If Huma had denounced the Brotherhood, there would be no need for Weiner to have to convince his mother-in-law Saleha Abedin that he is cured of sexting, nor would Huma arrange for Hillary to speak at Dar al-Hekma College where her mother worked.

The manifesto “declared from the first day that the Kingdom (of Saudi Arabia) was formed that its purpose was to spread the Shariah throughout the world, as it had been revealed in the Quran and the sunnah.” It also says that Jews are the biggest obstacle in the way of Islam pressing forward with its takeover of the Americas:

“The greatest challenge that faces Muslims in the United States and Canada are the Jews who take advantage of their material ability and their media to distort the image of Islam and Muslims there by spreading their lies and distortions in the minds of the people in these countries.”

The threat to our government and society by Islam is great. Its teachings of damnable doctrines for men’s souls is the main danger and second it’s political and social implications are simply frightening. The fact that this is so treated so cavalierly today is quite shocking. All one needs to do is witness the video of the Islamic festival in Dearborn, Michigan to get a glimpse at what Islam produces and friends this is light to what takes place on the other side of the globe.

Muslims need the gospel of Jesus Christ, not power in the U.S. government. Christians must be bold in this hour and loving enough towards Muslims to present to them the gospel that the Lord Jesus Christ is not only a great prophet, but their Creator and only Savior. We must believe that God has even a people among the Muslims that He desires to save through His Son the Lord Jesus.

Shoebat claims that he will be releasing a bombshell on Huma Abedin very soon that will be even more explosive than what he has introduced.

The Elephant in the Room: Is Muslim Brotherhood Paying Huma and Weiner Rent for $3.3M Apartment?

Maggie’s Notebook:

Former Congressman Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin have moved into a $3.3 MILLION apartment in New York City. How are they paying for this tony piece of real estate when Weiner still doesn’t have a real job that anyone knows about – maybe some consulting and such, but that’s about it. Or maybe he had a re-election war chest when he resigned? His wife’s income is reportedly $155,000 annually. Let’s cut to the chase – give the elephant a glance: is the Muslim Brotherhood paying for Huma Abedin’s convenient access to Hillary Clinton’s brain, computer and power?

Huma Abedin Weiner and Hillary Clinton

The residence is a 2,120-square-foot, four-bedroom, 3.5-bathroom apartment, according to the Post, and the paper notes the property curiously came off the market at the same time Weiner sold his residence last year. Source: Breitbart

Weiner resigned his US Congressional seat for New York…in disgrace, after tweeting lewd photos of himself, while his wife was pregnant with their first child. A Clinton spokesperson told that Weiner and wife are a “two-income” family, so maybe he’s tapping his 401K or Government pension, or whatever, but it sounds like he’s a stay-at-home Dad. Huma is Hillary Clinton’s close personal friend and her Deputy Chief of Staff. They met in Saudia Arabia and Abedin’s parents are well-documented Muslim Brotherhood supporters:

Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin and Jordan

1. Huma Abedin’s mother, Dr. Saleha S. Mahmood Abedin (hereafter, Saleha Abedin), is an influential member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s division for women, the Muslim Sisterhood. She is also a zealous advocate of sharia law’s oppression of women — which McCain himself condemned in a 2011 interview with Der Spiegel.

2. Not only that: Saleha Abedin is a board member of the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief. The IICDR has been long banned in Israel for supporting Hamas. It is also part of the Union for Good, which is a formally designated international terrorist organization under federal law. The Union for Good is led by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the chief sharia jurist of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is the world’s most influential Islamic cleric, and has issued fatwas endorsing suicide bombings against Israel and terrorist attacks against American forces in Iraq.

3. Moreover, it turns out that Huma Abedin herself was, until late 2008, a member of another of her mother’s Islamist organizations, the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Read more at PJ Media

If that’s not enough, remember the hammer dropped on Rep. Michele Bachmann for bringing attention to Abedin’s background? Walid Shoebat is ready to tell more:

That news concerns Huma’s alleged ties to Abdullah Omar Nasseef, a “financier” of terrorism with whom Huma was associated when she was part of his organization, the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), until taking her position with Sec. of State Clinton.

Shoebat is also prepared to show the alleged ties between the Abedin family and Yusuf Qaradawi, “the spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood.” Shoebat’s focus on Qaradawi is critical, because many that have dismissed Bachmann’s concerns about Huma have done so based on the fact that Huma’s husband, former Rep. Anthony Wiener, is Jewish. Source: Breitbart

The apartment, which is owned by a Clinton supporter, is judged to rent for $12,000 – $14,000 per month. If family income is only $12,916 gross monthly, the verboten question: how much is it worth to have an operative at the highest levels of the U.S. State Department? Read much more on Huma Abedin at The Camp of the Saints.

So America where are the cries of indignation?  Where is the call for Hillary Clinton’s resignation?  Where are the calls for prosecution from the White House on down? Where is Michele Bachmann’s apology? Who is going to stop this while we still can?


Well, Whaddya know? Huma Abedin was a Muslim Students Association Board Member

Well, well, well… In addition to Huma Abedin returning to the United States circa 1996 and landing a job with both Hillary Clinton and the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), she also joined the Muslim Students Association (MSA) Executive Board at George Washington University.

The following screen shot is courtesy of Wayback Machine and shows that in 1997, Huma Abedin served on the MSA Executive Board as the Head of Social Committee.

We now know that while Huma was serving on the IMMA Board with al-Qaeda financier Abdullah Omar Naseef, she was also serving on the Board of a Muslim Brotherhood front group – the MSA – as identified by the 1991 document introduced into evidence during the Holy Land Foundation trial. Remember, that in 1997, that 1991 document was only six years old.

Remember, both Wolf Blitzer and Dana Milbank said that arguing Muslim Brotherhood infiltration has merit; Huma Abedin was a Board member of the MSA, a Muslim Brotherhood organization.


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Huma’s infiltration into State Department  -  Is anyone going to apologize to Michele Bachmann now?

Well, Whaddya know? Huma Abedin was a Muslim Students Association Board Member

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Alert: Hillary Clinton Deputy Chief of Staff Tied to Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda

Hillary’s chief worked with al-Qaida front man

Here is the REVISED report: Huma_Brotherhood_Connections_072412


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People of Faith

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And how can we forget: [Pic] Obama bows to Saudi King *update* Video added

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About Ask Marion

I am a babyboomer and empty nester who savors every moment of my past and believes that it is the responsibility of each of us in my generation and Americans in general to make sure that America is as good or even a better place for future generations as it was for us. So far... we haven't done very well!! Favorite Quotes: "The first 50 years are to build and acquire; the second 50 are to leave your legacy"; "Do something that scares you every day!"; "The journey in between what you once were and who you are becoming is where the dance of life really takes place". At age 62 I find myself fighting inoperable uterine Cancer and thanks to the man upstairs and the prayers from so many people including many of my readers from AskMarion and JustOneMorePet... I'm beating it. After losing our business because of the economy and factors related to the re-election of President Obama in 2012 followed by 16-mos of job hunting, my architect-trained husband is working as a trucker and has only been home approximately 5-days a month since I was diagnosed, which has made everything more difficult and often lonely... plus funds are tight. Our family medical deductible is 12K per year for two of us; thank you ObamaCare. But thanks to donations from so many of you, we are making ends meet as I go through treatment while taking care of my father-in-law who is suffering from late stage Alzheimer's and my mother-in-law who suffers from RA and onset dementia as well as hearing loss, for which there are no caretaker funds, as I continue the fight here online to inform and help restore our amazing country. And finally I need to thank a core group of family, friends, and readers... all at a distance, who check in with me regularly. Plus, I must thank my furkids who have not left my side through this fight. You can see them at JustOneMorePet.
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38 Responses to Manifesto Puts Hillary’s Deputy Chief In Middle Of Muslim Plot – Please Read more:

  1. Good work. Very comprehensive article. Thanks for adding me to the conversation.

  2. Pingback: The Elephant in the Room: Is Muslim Brotherhood Paying Huma and Weiner Rent for $3.3M Apartment? | Maggie's Notebook

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  21. Mietopol says:

    In the nuthel Obama and this administration = traitors . Stop them now or else America is finished.

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