Introducing Sarah


By Marion Algier – AskMarion

In 2008 America, at least most of the lower 48 as they say in Alaska, was introduced to a dynamic, vibrant, articulate, patriotic, (and much to the chagrin of America’s ruling elite) charismatic gal that most of us could relate to.  She is the eye-catching mother of 5, including a special needs child; wife of a rugged, outdoorsy, good-looking, Iditarod snow mobile champion, who worked on the pipeline, ran a fishing business and is a nice guy to boot that has been her sweetheart for 30-years; is a self-made independent politician who worked her way up from the PTA, to Mayor of Wasilla, to Chairman of the powerful Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, to Governor of Alaska and then to the first Republican female nominee for Vice President; and if need be she can bring home the bacon or moose (that she can shoot herself) and fry it up in a pan or make her famous moose stew out of it for dinner.

In just over 45-minutes, Vice Presidential Candidate Palin energized and won the hearts of virtually everyone at the 2008 Republican National Convention and of millions at home, so please watch the video below with an open mind… whether you love Sarah, hate Sarah or don’t have an opinion, and whether you have heard it before or never did.  It is time for America to take another look at Sarah Palin, an honest look now that all the lies, fabrications, frivolous lawsuits and endless attacks have been proven to be just that… contrived and created lies and diversions by the liberal media and Progressive left machine, because they realized that Sarah Palin was the real deal and if they allowed her to play on an equal playing field without their interference, America… would love her.

Many people fell in love with Sarah Palin instantly, some were excited at the prospect of a fresh, inspiring, Reaganesque candidate that was a female to boot, but some saw her as a threat immediately, both on the left and within the GOP establishment as well, and they feared her. That quickly Palin Derangement Syndrome was born; a phenomenon that the left is still trying to peddle.

C-SPAN Video: GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Gov. Sarah Palin (AK) – Full VP Acceptance Speech at the RNC Convention 2008

Vice Presidential Candidate Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) at the Republican National Convention in 2008. It was a sight to behold and gave a speech for the ages. Sarah Palin electrified the stage, the convention hall, the Republican Party and women everywhere, until the mainstream media and the Progressive left began one of the largest hate campaigns in American history!

“Sarah was more qualified to hold the highest office in the land than all three of those numbnuts (McCain, Biden and Obama) put together. Look where we are now. We’re so far in decline now we’ll never pull out of it.” … Gunny Deuce

“The left progressive Democrat party is already hot and heavy into trying to rehab the old sow’s ear Hillary, even with all the scandals, into a silk purse they can (and will if American’s don’t wake up) sell to Americans and far too many women who have long been sold a bag of tainted goods about Hillary Clinton and  feminism in general”—Reformed Woman

“Did you know that halfway through her acceptance speech (above), the teleprompter stopped? If that was Obama he would have stood there with a deer in the headlights look… She is no dummy even though the media did a good job portraying here as such. Too bad we have a corrupt media that doesn’t play fair.” …Jeanette Armstrong

“Sarah is a national treasure… sent to us at a time when we needed an honest, straight-talking fighter, but we allowed the corrupt media and progressive political machine behind them to steal her from us.  We have learned that McCain was/is no price, but Palin is! And it is not too late for America to wake-up!  Palin is a fighter and she is one of us, a real everyday American.  McCain was co-opted and corrupted; Sarah is as independent and tough as ever and has withstood more unfounded attacks and lies than anyone should ever be asked to.  Let us not make the same mistake again and elect the likes of Hillary Clinton, who is Obama with brains, making her even more dangerous. It is time for the first woman president… this woman, Sarah Palin, who will represent us, serve us and fight for us!!”  …MGA

My husband and I were lucky enough to hear and see Sarah Palin speak live, at her first Rally in Cali, not long after she had been tapped as John McCain’s running mate. She was mesmerizing and both inspired and energized the crowd of about 23,000 people. She was introduced and supported by the Los Angeles President of NOW (the National Organization for Women), a lifetime Democrat and political convert supporter of Sarah Palin as she introduced herself… until the powers that be within her group convinced her otherwise.

Many people have forgotten that soon after Sarah was chosen for VP that she and McCain were ahead, because of Sarah, until  McCain decided to suspend the campaign and trudged back to Washington, D.C. because of the financial crisis. Had that not happened or maybe even if McCain had just not headed back to D.C., he and Palin could very well have won! What a different America we would be living in, if that were the case!

Sarah Palin’s brother recently, Chuck Heath, Jr. recently posted a list of his own on his Facebook entitled Ten Things That Sarah Plain Is Lacking.

Ten Things That Sarah Palin is Lacking:

#1-Pedigree: Sarah was born into a low-income family with no political connections. Everything she’s achieved has been through her own hard work.

#2-Soft hands: Sarah has continually worked to provide for herself and her family, whether it was as a commercial fisherman, a hunter, a waitress, etc., she’s never been afraid to get her hands dirty.

#3-Sleep: I watched Sarah work 15-20 hours a day, seven days a week as governor. Her stamina amazes everyone close to her.

#4-A golf handicap: Although she loves the game, you would never see Sarah spending countless hours on the links during a position of leadership.

#5-Shady friends: Sarah has no ties to known domestic terrorists, and no wealthy foreign friends that financed trips for her overseas.

#6-Hidden college transcripts: Her school records have always been open to the public.

#7-A perfect family: Despite hardships that almost every American family faces, Sarah has kept her head up and focused on the positive, and she’s always been there to help us when we’ve needed her.

#8-Friends in the media, Hollywood, and rap music: The vast majority of Hollywood stars and the mainstream media have done everything in their power to destroy her. No major network newsman has ever said that he gets a tingle up his leg when he thinks of her.

#9-A lack of respect for the Constitution: Sarah has always looked at the Constitution as a brilliant blueprint for America; a document that clearly lays out a separation of powers so that no one person or group of people have absolute power.

#10-A doubt in our Creator: Every big decision Sarah makes has been based on prayer.

Sarah herself can get more positive traction out of her Facebook posts or an announcement through SarahPac than President Obama gets out of his speeches, as he spends millions in taxpayer dollars running around the country.

SarahPAC: Thank you for your support! Now on to 2014….   Recently Posted on the SarahPAC website was Moving forward…

“Before they left for vacation last week, Congress made sure their taxpayer-funded health care plans won’t be affected by Obamacare.”

Sarah Palin is back in full force, as a Fox News Analyst and will be on the front lines, shaking up Election 2014 and 2016, whether in the trenches as the ‘Kingmaker’ she has turned out to be or as a candidate. Palin has been cleared of all the false allegations, proven to be right over and over again, and President Obama has even taken her advice on a few issues.  It was even proven that journolists colluded to bring Palin down.

And 2016 just could turn out to be The Election of the First Female President of the United States? and Hillary Clinton Certanily Doesn’t Deserve Our Admiration or Another Shot at the Presidency, but the progressive controlled networks are already gearing up with early freebie promotions and public manipulation,  Both CNN and NBC have documentaries and mini-series lined up to get us the “sheeple” as they see us indoctrinated for Election 2016.

I recently moved to a new area and joined a local woman’s group with International reach, most of the members are Democrats that were weaned on modern day feminism and its thoughts and ideals. I also joined the local Republican Women’s group and the tea party chapter in the area and the local Alzheimer’s Foundation support group (under attack by loosing funds through the implementation of ObamaCare), having had to take on the roll of caretaker for my in-laws.  For the women’s group, we were asked to share our ideas for topics for their upcoming (March 2014) conference.  I purposely passed out sheets to the attendees with my 6 suggestions written out as scant bullet points with a large area below each point for everyone to make notes, expecting that they would want input, clarification and additional information as to my thought process. And so they did.

The ages of the women present were between 20 and 85-years-old. 90% of the women had college degrees and approximately 85% of the women considered themselves feminists.  Only 3 had ever heard Sarah Palin’s Convention Speech and only 1 realized that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, believed in eugenics.  I purposely used Palin as my example of how women’s groups need to have a larger tent if they really want to make real change and the hypocrisy of being part of a women’s group that hates a women that really has it all, without knowing why you don’t like her and going down that path because the media convinced you based on lies, selective reporting and fabrications.  There wasn’t a sound in the room and I have heard back from several of these women since; all realizing they misjudged Sarah Palin, allowed themselves to be manipulated, and apologetic and somewhat embarrassed.

Then my husband arbitrarily ran into a now elderly but former leader in the California Republican Party.  They chatted about a whole list of topics that they had in common and then my husband asked who this man felt would be the GOP Standard Bearer in 2016.  After his disappointing answer, my husband mentioned that his wife was a blogger and Palin supporting kinda gal, as well liking some of the new GOP blood like Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz (both Palin supporters) to name just a few, and was hoping for an American epiphany in 2016.  The response was… “She and they are just too conservative for the GOP to run for President”  I could only think, really?  Too patriotic, too conservative, too in favor of the U.S. Constitution, too God-fearing, too big on individual rights?  Perhaps too much like average Americans or at least what they want in a leader for the Republican Party… to take a chance on someone with the courage, strength, conviction and goal of turning America around??  And hasn’t the GOP learned after two elections that running a Democrat-lite candidate is not what the American people want?  Now is the time to change that attitude!  They want and deserve a choice!

Each and every American owes it to themselves to know who and why they are voting for the candidates they choose and who and why they are not voting for their opponent(s). And for those who do/did their homework and know the truth and facts, they owe it to themselves, to their children, to America and to the people who are willing to put themselves on the live and run so that each of us have a choice in our elections, to pass along what they know.

And for those of us who realize that one of the best options for America out there was stolen from us, we need to get out there and introduce (reintroduce) Sarah…

RS McCain: By God, Sarah Palin is Right! AND So Is McCain. Here’s Why BOTH Are, and Why That’s So Important!

Related Books:

Collusion: How the Media Stole the 2012 Election—and How to Stop Them from Doing It in 2016 (Kindle)

Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas (Kindle) – Sarah’s New Book

The Flipside of Feminism: What Conservative Women Know — and Men Can’t Say (Kindle)

America by Heart : Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag (Kindle)

Going Rogue: An American Life (Kindle)

Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys (Kindle)

Our Sarah: Made in Alaska (Kindle)

And for the Spanish speakers out there: Going Rogue, Going Palin

About Ask Marion

I am a babyboomer and empty nester who savors every moment of my past and believes that it is the responsibility of each of us in my generation and Americans in general to make sure that America is as good or even a better place for future generations as it was for us. So far... we haven't done very well!! Favorite Quotes: "The first 50 years are to build and acquire; the second 50 are to leave your legacy"; "Do something that scares you every day!"; "The journey in between what you once were and who you are becoming is where the dance of life really takes place". At age 62 I find myself fighting inoperable uterine Cancer and thanks to the man upstairs and the prayers from so many people including many of my readers from AskMarion and JustOneMorePet... I'm beating it. After losing our business because of the economy and factors related to the re-election of President Obama in 2012 followed by 16-mos of job hunting, my architect-trained husband is working as a trucker and has only been home approximately 5-days a month since I was diagnosed, which has made everything more difficult and often lonely... plus funds are tight. Our family medical deductible is 12K per year for two of us; thank you ObamaCare. But thanks to donations from so many of you, we are making ends meet as I go through treatment while taking care of my father-in-law who is suffering from late stage Alzheimer's and my mother-in-law who suffers from RA and onset dementia as well as hearing loss, for which there are no caretaker funds, as I continue the fight here online to inform and help restore our amazing country. And finally I need to thank a core group of family, friends, and readers... all at a distance, who check in with me regularly. Plus, I must thank my furkids who have not left my side through this fight. You can see them at JustOneMorePet.
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41 Responses to Introducing Sarah

  1. Pingback: Watcher of Weasels » Watcher’s Council Nominations – 10 Year Anniversary Edition

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  4. Gold Price says:

    The remark brought a mixed reaction from the Republican crowd; some women cheered, but there was also some low-pitched groaning and booing.

    • Ask Marion says:

      I am certainly not surprised at the mixed reaction… Good for the ones who cheered and although expected, sad about the rest. Until we stop eating each other alive, we will not win another election. And until women stop attacking each other without reason or merit, we can’t expect a better shake from the guys. Sarah Palin is a gem and we allowed the bias liberal media to shred her and her family based on lies and fabrications. Time to take another serious look at Sarah!! 2016 could be the election year of the first female U.S. President. Do we really want it to be haggared horrible Hillary? Or patriotic perky Palin? As Mark Levin said, “Hillary is Obama in a dress…” just smarter! Palin is Reagan in a dress. And four more years of Progressivism, America will be done! AskMarion~

  5. Pingback: Watcher’s Council Nominations – 10 Year Anniversary Edition | Nice Deb

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  16. Awesome post to read…I hope everyone enjoys it.

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