The Wrap at Ask Marion 6.01.14 Thru 6.08.14

Its a Wrap

Our weekly wrap… Sunday to Sunday… Please share! Ask Marion

America is now teetering as far forward over the edge as a country can before it falls over the cliff and is no longer recognizable.  We either wake-up immediately and get-involved or there will be no America, at least not as you knew her, for your children and grandchildren… nor anything to take care of you from the benefits you already paid for!

–> Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘America’ warns Hillary Clinton will ‘finish off’ the country <– 

The Clinton have no scruples nor do they ever change… Hillary is still lying and blaming the video for the Benghazi attack in her new book Hard Choices, even though we all now know the video had nothing to do with the attack and that it was part of Hillary and Obama’s planned cover-up…  It Does Make A Difference To Hillary… Now



Remember: NY Senator Senator Kirstin Gillibrand (and others) admitted “We All Knew” Prez Was Misleading About ObamaCare (Video)

And even people like former DNC Chair, Howard Dean, have now admitted that Sarah Palin was right and there will be death panels under ObamaCare!

Book: Special Heart: A Journey of Faith, Hope, Courage and Love by Bret Baier is a must read!!

Special HeartSPECIAL HEART is a deeply touching personal story told through the eyes of a journalist as he faces the most daunting challenge in life – far more frightening than reporting from battlefields, infinitely more momentous than interviewing newsmakers of the day: caring for his critically ill newborn son.

Baier reflects on past challenges as he looks forward with hope, chronicling the steps on his path to national prominence as a television anchor, as well as his unexpected journey into the world of pediatric cardiac disease.

With the finely-honed insight of a seasoned reporter, and the deep love of a husband and father, Baier shares with readers the behind-the-scenes stories and emotional narrative of young Paul’s life thus far, including the heart-wrenching fears and decisions he and his wife, Amy, have faced together. Surviving every parent’s worst nightmare, Bret and Amy emerge – just like their brave young son – scarred but infinitely stronger, and clearly understanding what matters most in life.

Reliving three open-heart surgeries and seven angioplasties, the story continues today as the Baier family faces a long road toward a normal healthy life for Paul. Told by a loving father and master storyteller, this hope-filled account offers an inspirational glimpse into the family of a man who just happens to be someone millions turn to for the day’s news.

One hundred percent of what the author receives from the sale of this book is donated to various non-profit pediatric heart causes.

Additional Book Suggestions: Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers by Dr. David Perlmutter and Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health By William Davis

Read more at: The AD, ADD, ADHD, Autism, Aging… Inflammation and Nutrition Connection

The rate of occurrences of Alzheimer’s-Dementia (AD), ADD, ADHD, Autism (ASD), and debilitating Aging symptoms are through the roof. Everyone I know either suffers from one of these conditions (themselves); has a child, grandchild, parent, or grandparent who is afflicted; or they know someone, if not several some-ones, within their close circle that suffers from one or more of these diseases and conditions.

We are drowning in epidemics and dying of inflammation.

Love, Prayer and Laughter are the Best Medicines… And may soon be all you can count on!

As Well As The Best Anti-Depressants!

Dogs of War – Photos From the Frontlines Revisited


The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. -Mahatma Gandhi

Friends Do Not Make Friends Wait in Hot Cars

We Are All Waiting...

I Died Today

  Knowledge is Power… Which Demands Action, Usually at a Cost!

Clintons - Do You See a Pattern_thumb[4]

 TP Tours Take Kids on Educational Tours of Liberal Cities

750,000 Veterans Are Unemployed

And now they can’t get healthcare, are dying because of it and often can’t even get buried.

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Wake-Up America:‘We Have a Commitment’ from Boehner on Amnesty This Year Says Valerie Jarrett

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And Freedom Isn’t Free… It requires sacrifice and an engaged populace!

Book(s) of the WeekFaithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment By Andrew C McCarthy and America: Imagine a World without Her By Dinesh D’Souza 

Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment: We still imagine ourselves a nation of laws, not of men. This is not merely an article of faith but a bedrock principle of the United States Constitution. Our founding compact provides a remedy against rulers supplanting the rule of law, and Andrew C. McCarthy makes a compelling case for using it.

The authors of the Constitution saw practical reasons to place awesome powers in a single chief executive, who could act quickly and decisively in times of peril. Yet they well understood that unchecked power in one person’s hands posed a serious threat to liberty, the defining American imperative. Much of the debate at the Philadelphia convention therefore centered on how to stop a rogue executive who became a law unto himself.

The Framers vested Congress with two checks on presidential excess: the power of the purse and the power of impeachment. They are potent remedies, and there are no others.

It is a straightforward matter to establish that President Obama has committed “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term signifying maladministration and abuses of power by holders of high public trust. But making the legal case is insufficient for successful impeachment, leading to removal from office. Impeachment is a political matter and hinges on public opinion.

In Faithless Execution, McCarthy weighs the political dynamics as he builds a case, assembling a litany of abuses that add up to one overarching offense: the president’s willful violation of his solemn oath to execute the laws faithfully. The “fundamental transformation” he promised involves concentrating power into his own hands by flouting law—statutes, judicial rulings, the Constitution itself—and essentially daring the other branches of government to stop him. McCarthy contends that our elected representative are duty-bound to take up the dare.

What are “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”?

Impeachment is rare in American history—and for good reason. As the ultimate remedy against abuse of executive power, it is politically convulsive. And yet, as the Framers understood, it is a necessary protection if the rule of law is to be maintained.

But what are impeachable offenses? There is widespread confusion among the American people about the answer to this question.

Article II of the Constitution lists treason and bribery, along with “other high crimes and misdemeanors as the standard for impeachment. Despite what “crimes” and “misdemeanors” connote, the concept has precious little to do with violations of a penal code. Rather, it is about betrayal of the political trust reposed in the president to execute the laws faithfully and “preserve, protect and defend” our constitutional system, as his oath of office requires.

At the constitutional convention in 1787, the delegates concurred that the “high crimes and misdemeanors” standard captured the many “great and dangerous offenses” involving malfeasance, incompetence, and severe derelictions of duty that could undermine the constitutional order.

The Framers were clear that “high crimes and misdemeanors” involved misconduct that did not necessarily break penal laws; it might not even be considered criminal if committed by a civilian. It would apply strictly to “the misconduct of public men … or the abuse or violation of public trust,” as Alexander Hamilton put it. “High crimes and misdemeanors” are of a purely political nature as they “relate to injuries done immediately to the society itself.”

To be clear, “high crimes and misdemeanors” is not a standard conceived for normal law enforcement. It applies instead to oath, honor, and trust—notions that are more demanding of public officials than the black and white prohibitions of criminal law.

While the standard is high-minded it is not an abstraction. The Framers were very clear: betrayals of the constitutional order, dishonesty in the executive’s dealing with Congress, and concealment of dealings with foreign powers that could be injurious to the American people were among the most grievous, and impeachable, high crimes and misdemeanors.

Above all, the Framers had in view the president’s oath of allegiance to our system of government, a system in which the president’s highest duty is faithful execution of the laws. The mere attempt to subvert the constitution would be a breach of trust that warranted impeachment and removal.

A free country requires the rule of law. But the rule of law is a sham if lawlessness is rampant among those who govern. This was the deep political truth that the Framers of this country recognized in the providing for the impeachment of an errant executive. It is a truth that we ignore at our peril.

Faithless Execution Author Q&A

You are a well-known conservative commentator – how would you answer the accusation that Faithless Execution is just a partisan stunt?

McCarthy: Well, ‘conservative’ does not mean ‘Republican’—in fact, the book is not very flattering when it comes to GOP fecklessness in the face of the president’s lawlessness. But the main point is: Faithless Execution argues against partisan hackery. I analyze the legal case for impeachment as a former prosecutor who would not go to court without a sufficient case. And as far as the politics goes, I argue that, despite the sizable majority Republicans hold in the House, articles of impeachment should not be filed unless and until there is a strong public will to remove the president from power—one that transcends party lines.

Many Republicans say an effort to impeach Barack Obama is political suicide for the Republican Party. How do you respond to this?

McCarthy: The failure to pursue impeachment is likely to be suicide for the country, which is much more important than the political fate of the Republican Party. But, again, making the case for impeachment—which would probably help not only Republicans but any elected official who defends our constitutional framework—is not the same as moving forward with articles of impeachment, which should not happen absent public support.

How does the case for Barack Obama’s impeachment compare to the campaigns to impeach Nixon and Clinton?

McCarthy: Obama’s presidency is a willful, systematic attack on the constitutional system of separation of powers, an enterprise that aims to bring about a new regime of government by executive decree. This is exactly the kind of subversion the Framers designed the impeachment power to address. The Nixon and Clinton episodes involved misconduct that did not aim to undermine our constitutional framework.

You describe impeachment as a political and not a legal remedy. What’s the distinction?

McCarthy: Legally speaking, a president may be impeached for a single offense that qualifies as “high crimes and misdemeanors”—a breach of the profound public trust vested in the president, a violation of his constitutional duty to execute the laws faithfully. But real impeachment requires the public will to remove the president from office. You can have a thousand impeachable offenses, but without that political consensus, impeachment is not an appropriate remedy.


America: Imagine a World without Her: Is America a source of pride, as Americans have long held, or shame, as Progressives allege? Beneath an innocent exterior, are our lives complicit in a national project of theft, expropriation, oppression, and murder, or is America still the hope of the world?
New York Times bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza says these questions are no mere academic exercise. It is the Progressive view that is taught in our schools, that is preached by Hollywood, and that shapes the policies of the Obama administration. If America is a force for inequality and injustice in the world, its power deserves to be diminished; if traditional America is based on oppression and theft, then traditional America must be reformed—and the federal government can do the reforming.

In America: Imagine a World without Her D’Souza offers a passionate and sharply reasoned defense of America, knocking down every important accusation made by Progressives against our country.

Washington Examiner: In his highly anticipated new book and movie “America,” conservative author Dinesh D’Souza is warning that Hillary Clinton won’t be a clone of her moderate husband, but will instead take the baton from President Obama to continue radicalizing the country and “undo the nation’s founding ideals.”

America: Imagine a World without Her,” published by Regnery and set for release Monday, charges that as students of radical organizer Saul Alinsky, Obama and Clinton could have enough time to “unmake and then remake America” into a nation the founding fathers wouldn’t recognize.

“They may not be responsible for the suicide of America, but they certainly will have helped to finish off a certain way of life in America, and they will leave us with a country unrecognizable not only to Washington and Jefferson but also to those of us who grew up in the 20th century,” wrote D’Souza.

“If they succeed, there may be no going back. Then it will be their America, not ours, and we will be a people bereft of a country, with no place to go,” he adds on page 87.

America: Imagine a World without Her” is D’Souza’s latest book and movie on how he sees progressive politics hurting the nation. He also created the movie “2016: Obama’s America,” which was the second highest-grossing political documentary.

An advance copy of the book provided to Secrets suggests that progressives aim to remake the nation into one that is less powerful, less wealthy and less influential. If that happens, he warns, “We have committed national suicide.”

He focuses on Obama’s and Clinton’s links to Alinsky in a chapter titled “The Plan.” He claims the two followed the radical’s master plan that they hide their views and ideas until they get into power.

“If you see early pictures and video of Hillary, she looks and sounds like a former hippie. Overtime, however, Hillary started dressing like a respectable middle-class mother and speaking in a clipped, moderate sounding voice. Young Barack Obama, too, looked like a bit of a street thug — in his own words, he could have been Trayvon Martin. Over time, however, Obama started dressing impeccably and even practiced modulating his voice,” the popular author writes.

“Hillary and Obama have both learned the Alinsky lesson that your should aggressively pursue power while pretending to be motivated by altruism,” he added.

“More importantly, Hillary and Obama both adopted Alinsky’s strategic counsel to sound mainstream, even when you aren’t,” wrote D’Souza. “These are the ways in which our two Alinskyites make themselves palatable to the American middle class, which to this day has no idea how hostile Hillary and

Obama are to middle-class values.

“If Hillary Clinton is elected in 2016, the baton will have passed from one Alinskyite to another. In this case, Alinsky’s influence will have taken on a massive, almost unimaginable, importance. Obama will have had eight years to remake America, and Hillary will have another four or perhaps eight to complete the job,” he wrote.

Also check out Bill O’Reilly’s newest book:  Killing Patton: The Strange Death of World War II’s Most Audacious General

Stand Together When the Time comes

The wolves are at the door!!

The GOP can beat Hillary with the right candidate.  The left is going to use the same ploy with Hillary as they did with Obama… They will make themselves look like the Heroes because they are putting up the first women, as they did, the first black American, for President. It was what the campaign of lies against the GOP has been leading up to… the made up Republican War Against Women has been part of the plan to run Hillary with that carrot, all along.  The Election of 2016 will be the battle for America’s soul and future and the key to the Republicans… Conservatives, the American Middle Class winning that battle is fighting fire with fire… pitting our strongest women against Hillary. The key to stopping Hillary Clinton is Sarah Palin! The Economist/YouGov survey asked respondents in a series of polls last week which female candidate not named Hillary Clinton they would want to run for president.

Palin is first in the national survey with 9%, followed by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice with 8%. Michelle Obama is fourth with 2% of the vote.

In other national polls, Palin has the highest favorability rating among Republican presidential primary voters. If Sarah does not run in 2016, her influence and potential endorsement could tip the GOP presidential contest as the GOP may be the most split from within in the past 40 years.

2016 – The Election of the First Female President of the United States?

RNC Chairman Says Hillary 2016 Candidacy is Set… And Female Presidency Will be the Carrot

Palin Derangement Syndrome Revisited

James Delingpole: God, I wish Sarah Palin would stand for president??

Two Women, Two Paths… The Choice

The Case for a Palin Candidacy for President in 2016



Join the Movement… Palin-Cruz 2016@PalinCruz_2016 – #PalinCruz2016


Be sure to come visit us here at Ask Marion regularly and subscribe to receive the latest posts first… as well as visit: Just One More Pet, True Health Is True Wealth!!, Knowledge Is Power, the Daily Thought Pad and Palin-Cruz 2016

And Join in on Twitter at @AskMarion @JustOneMorePet and @PalinCruz_2016  #PalinCruz2016 Governor Sarah Palin tops a national poll of female candidates that Americans want to run for president

About Ask Marion

I am a babyboomer and empty nester who savors every moment of my past and believes that it is the responsibility of each of us in my generation and Americans in general to make sure that America is as good or even a better place for future generations as it was for us. So far... we haven't done very well!! Favorite Quotes: "The first 50 years are to build and acquire; the second 50 are to leave your legacy"; "Do something that scares you every day!"; "The journey in between what you once were and who you are becoming is where the dance of life really takes place". At age 62 I find myself fighting inoperable uterine Cancer and thanks to the man upstairs and the prayers from so many people including many of my readers from AskMarion and JustOneMorePet... I'm beating it. After losing our business because of the economy and factors related to the re-election of President Obama in 2012 followed by 16-mos of job hunting, my architect-trained husband is working as a trucker and has only been home approximately 5-days a month since I was diagnosed, which has made everything more difficult and often lonely... plus funds are tight. Our family medical deductible is 12K per year for two of us; thank you ObamaCare. But thanks to donations from so many of you, we are making ends meet as I go through treatment while taking care of my father-in-law who is suffering from late stage Alzheimer's and my mother-in-law who suffers from RA and onset dementia as well as hearing loss, for which there are no caretaker funds, as I continue the fight here online to inform and help restore our amazing country. And finally I need to thank a core group of family, friends, and readers... all at a distance, who check in with me regularly. Plus, I must thank my furkids who have not left my side through this fight. You can see them at JustOneMorePet.
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2 Responses to The Wrap at Ask Marion 6.01.14 Thru 6.08.14

  1. Pingback: The Wrap at Ask Marion 6.08.14 Thru 6.15.14 | askmarion

  2. Pingback: Ultimate Herpes Protocol Review – Melanie Addington … | Herpes Survival Kit

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