‘Glenn Beck’: Climate Cloaking a Hidden Agenda

FNC – This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," May 12, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: Hello, America. And welcome to the Glenn Beck Program.

I want to start the program today — and by the way, the White House has the phone. I know because I’ve been talking to some people at the White House. Oops, I said too much. But I know they have the phone number and they can call anytime.

I want to read a quote to you. Really, you’re going to want to get the phone number handy guys because today, if I’m wrong, boy, you’re going to want to call, because I want to show this — I want to show you this quote. I’m not going to tell you yet what context it was said in or who said it, but I will in just a few minutes.

Here it is: "What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?"
Well, that’s kind of spooky, isn’t it? Yes, I’m going to show you who said that and in what context they said that in — in just a minute. It all kind of relates to — surprisingly — the new global warming and the new climate bill. It’s out today. It’s great.

Come on. Let’s go!


BECK: Hello, America.
The earth has a temperature, a boo-boo. But we can sing the praises of the Lord Almighty God because he has sent us his prophets, Brother Kerry and Brother Lieberman, to heal the planet. They introduced a new climate bill today.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry. The bill has a new name. It’s cap-and-trade. No, no, wait, wait. It’s not cap-and-trade. I can’t get those off my mind.
Don’t think of this as a climate bill or cap-and-trade. Don’t. No, no. It’s America’s Power Act.

Oh. Look at the pretty logo they introduced today, too. Come on! Oh, does that bring tears to your — it’s just so patriotic.

The press release from these clowns make these things sound like it’s a cure for cancer. It’s not.

Not only is it going to solve all of America’s problems — energy independence, jobs, clean air, blah-di-blah-di-blah-di — it’s going to, and I quote, "transform the American economy." Wow! Joe Lieberman said that.

Joe, transform it into what? Spain? No, Spain — Spain’s done this. They have 21 percent unemployment. It can’t be. It can’t be Spain.
Tell me, Joe, transform us into what? Call the White House, they have the number.

If this bill is so great, why did you change the name? Because it’s cap-and-trade. OK, climate bill, because we know that’s a scam — I mean, cap-and-trade. Oh, jeez, and then somebody went and educated people on what cap-and-trade was. Hmm, crap!

Now it’s America Power Act. Huh! This thing has been tried everywhere around the world. It’s a complete failure.
Even the progressive wizard, the man behind the curtain of Crime Inc., Joel Rogers, admits cap-and-trade will not help the Earth in any way, shape or form.

Here it is. Watch. His words, not mine.


JOEL ROGERS, EMERALD CITIES COLLABORATIVE: I hope you all realize that you can eliminate every power plant in America and you can stop every car in America, take out the entire power generation sector, take out all of the transportation sector, and you still wouldn’t be anywhere near 80 percent below 1990 levels. You’d be closer to 60 percent. It would be around 68 percent, and that’s bringing the economy to a complete halt basically.


BECK: So, we could all live in tepees and we still won’t save the Earth. Wow! That’s going to create a lot — we’re going to be all — we all have to start making tepees. We all have tepee jobs.
So, it doesn’t sound like it’s going to save the earth. There’s no evidence anywhere this has been tried that it would create jobs. It kills jobs. I think it’s two-to-one, kills jobs.

So, there must be something else behind this. Maybe it’s going to be a miracle, because Brother Kerry is on a mission from God. Watch this.


SEN. JOHN KERRY D-MASS.: If President Bush gets involved, if Harry Reid and all of us pull together, I think this could pass. And the reason it can pass is that we have the broadest base of support. As I said, we have faith-based community support for this bill. We have general and admirals who believe this is a central for American security. We have major business leaders who believe this will create jobs and make us competitive.


BECK: Yes. Yes. Some people — I won’t say, I won’t. Because I’m an adult and a parent, I won’t tell you about Christmas. It just crossed my mind. But I’m — yes, I’m sure there are people that believe this will create jobs.

And the churches are behind this movement, so it must be pure as the driven snow because the churches are. It sounds great. Where do I sign up?

Oh, you know what? I found coalition of faith-based groups. It’s great. Let me show you the Web site.

It’s the Eco-Justice Program, the National Councils of Churches of Christ. And look, it’s such a pretty scene with three different churches. Is there a synagogue anywhere or a mosque? There must be some place because they’re all — they’re all together for eco-justice.

This is fantastic. They launched a climate change leadership training program for Jesus. Where do I donate? I had to click on "donate." Support our work. I had to go there and donate to the National Council of Churches for Eco-Justice.

Now, right here at the bottom of the page — but this is only if you’re paying attention — right here, right here, it’s great. It says the DemocracyInAction.org group — democracy in action. That sounds patriotic. I had to click to find out what they’re about..

So, we clicked on it. There it is. Democracy, wiring the progressive movement. Uh-oh! A 501c3 non-profit organization itself believes technology can be a decisive force for social change. "We exist to empower those who share our values of ecological and social justice to advance the progressive agenda." Wow!.

America, if you don’t get it yet, you will. This is why the "Huffington Post"/"Washington Post"/Jim Wallis/Obama advisor has been dropping bags of hammers on me for the last few months, smearing me. Why? Because I brought to your attention to the lie of social justice. I told you social justice — as understood by Jim Wallis and those on the progressive left, like Jeremiah Wright, those people understand it as Marxism, redistribution of wealth.

Churches don’t like to use those terms. Progressives do. Churches don’t. Some churches use it for missionary work. And if Jesus is telling you to volunteer your time or money to do something, that’s great.

Social justice — the way it was originally intended? No, no, no. Redistribution of wealth. Know the difference.

I challenge you to find social justice in the Bible. Find the two words. I challenge you to find social justice in any founding document.

Now, I challenge you to find the progressive movement that doesn’t use the words "social justice." They use this. They do the same thing. They change the language to control the argument, to fool you into thinking that the climate bill is about climate, that the cap and trade bill is just not damaging. And when you figure it out, they change the name again!

Believe me, social and ecological justice, and all of this bull crap is going to be changed again. It’s not the Lord’s work. It is man’s work for a global government.

Isn’t it interest interesting that a global government and governance idea, they are using the churches to do it? So, this climate, cap and — the American Power Act has no Republican support whatsoever. John McCain and Lindsey Graham, who is working on a cap-and-trade bill, now is like whoa!

Why? Because the progressives in the Republican Party are suddenly afraid and backing up because you are waking up. They saw what happened to Bob Bennett in Utah. And the 14-term Democrat in West Virginia? Bye-bye!

People in Washington, you should be terrified. You should. You should be afraid.

But, you know, the people on the left, those who like to hide behind the curtain, they should be afraid of the progressives, because the progressives are not taking their foot off the pedal. They are exposing themselves as the radical, revolutionary country-destroyers that they are. And they realize — holy cow, am I on the right side now? Because only one is going to be standing in the end — our country, or the progressives.

America is on the progressive movement. And this bill would give America a system that would charge for the use of carbon — remember, to save the planet, to create jobs. Remember those two things: save the planet and create jobs.

OK. Let’s just say you run a business, you’re running General Motors, except you’re running it well and you actually have demand on your cars. Now, if you have demand on your cars, you have to start watching now your energy uses because after a certain amount, a cap goes on.

Then you have to buy credits from other car companies or other countries — I bet there’s a car company that doesn’t exist in Zimbabwe that could plant a tree and sell you their carbon credits. If it hasn’t gone over its cap, you have to go out and buy those. So then that way you can have the invisible gas credit. Hmm-mm.
Now, it’s not just car companies, it’s everything — everything. One of the most affected will be bakers because of all the ovens and everything else.

But don’t worry. Don’t worry. This is not going to cause a price problem with bread. No. No. You’ll be able to get bread.
No, bread will be different. Yes, bread will be different. For some reason, bread will be different.

Remember, the government can print money. Bakers cannot. So their options are — remember, save the planet and create jobs. You’re a baker. You have to now pay for carbon credits.

You can pay for them out of the — you know, all the money you make in a bakery. My father was a baker, so I know. We were so rich. We were so rich. Oh, I got to tell you, there is so much money in cakes and doughnuts.

So your options are: Fire people, cut salaries, hire people part-time, get rid of benefits or raise the prices.
Well, which one is the president saying is going to happen? Because he knows.



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Thursday, May 13, 2010 

About Ask Marion

I am a babyboomer and empty nester who savors every moment of my past and believes that it is the responsibility of each of us in my generation and Americans in general to make sure that America is as good or even a better place for future generations as it was for us. So far... we haven't done very well!! Favorite Quotes: "The first 50 years are to build and acquire; the second 50 are to leave your legacy"; "Do something that scares you every day!"; "The journey in between what you once were and who you are becoming is where the dance of life really takes place". At age 62 I find myself fighting inoperable uterine Cancer and thanks to the man upstairs and the prayers from so many people including many of my readers from AskMarion and JustOneMorePet... I'm beating it. After losing our business because of the economy and factors related to the re-election of President Obama in 2012 followed by 16-mos of job hunting, my architect-trained husband is working as a trucker and has only been home approximately 5-days a month since I was diagnosed, which has made everything more difficult and often lonely... plus funds are tight. Our family medical deductible is 12K per year for two of us; thank you ObamaCare. But thanks to donations from so many of you, we are making ends meet as I go through treatment while taking care of my father-in-law who is suffering from late stage Alzheimer's and my mother-in-law who suffers from RA and onset dementia as well as hearing loss, for which there are no caretaker funds, as I continue the fight here online to inform and help restore our amazing country. And finally I need to thank a core group of family, friends, and readers... all at a distance, who check in with me regularly. Plus, I must thank my furkids who have not left my side through this fight. You can see them at JustOneMorePet.
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