Obama hinted at his real agenda when campaigning.  He did so on the occasions when speaking to crowds which were mostly the choir.  While many of us heard those hints, which boiled down, were references to redistributing wealth, getting even with whitey, and restructuring America as a socialist state, too many erroneously thought it was only red meat for the supporters.

We ignored those hints, and now we are in peril.  Insurance, Banking, and the auto industry are, de facto nationalized.  Obama is firing CEO’s of major corporations, dictating the collapse or bailout of financial institutions, setting the salary caps of executives, abrogating commercial contracts, and in general pulling the strings on three of our largest industries.  Most dangerous to our liberty, Obama has surrounded himself with dozens of Czars, most known far left radicals, and even revolutionaries, black separatists, and one a nutty scientists who want animals to be able to sue their owners, well, you get the idea.

These Czars draw large salaries, most have no training related to their assignments, and answer only to Obama.  Mark Lloyd, a black revolutionary, and ardent admirer of the manner in which Hugo Chavez took control of Venezuela’s radio, and TV stations, has been placed in the FCC as Diversity Czar.  His agenda is to force stations carrying program content critical of the government to also provide equal time to supporting programs, if necessary at their own expense if sponsors cannot be found. He also plans to tax stations an amount equal to 100% of their operating cost to fund NPR, and other wholly controlled outlets.  He can pull any station’s license on virtually any conceivable pretext.   Scary, be afraid, be very afraid.

Then, Jay Rockefeller, the useful idiot Senator from WV, has introduced S. 773, a bill giving Obama the power to shut down any civilian network on the internet whenever he feels like it.  It also gives Obama the power to demand of ISP’s any data on accounts, usage, and history information they want, without a warrant.  There are many other requirements for access to networks including banking, all warrantless.  Obama is closing the primary avenues of communication.  The only implication to be drawn from all these actions is that Obama intends do do something so thoroughly drastic, he fears that the ability of the people to know the truth of what is happening will obstruct his goal.  Scary, be afraid, be very afraid.

Obama wants to locate every firearm of any sort in the country so that they will be easy for the goon squad to come and confiscate.  Obama has the founder of the Black Panthers, America hater revolutionary, Bobby Rush, now a congressman from a Chicago ghetto, introducing H. R. 45, the most onerous, openly vexatious, screw the second amendment bill imaginable.  Anyone owning a firearm of any sort is going to have a net of dozens of new regulations thrown over him as to make the ownership of the firearm a bulls eye on his freedom.

Among its endless requirements are the need to obtain a federal license for any firearm, every 5 years from Eric Holder, who may for any or no reason at all, deny same, said denial being without appeal.  Such denial would leave the gun owner in violation of law, punishable by fine and/or 5 years in prison if he does not immediately hand over all guns.  If a licensee moves and does not notify Eric Holder, off to jail again. 

For an America hating, black separatist revolutionary, to introduce onerous firearms legislation to "improve the safety of the citizens" is  the ultimate irony.  Can it be possible that there is anyone who does not immediately grasp the obvious fact that it is Bobby Rush and the rest of the crowd working to overthrow the Constitution who need protection, not the law abiding citizens?  The first thing the wannabe Hitler types do, is collect all the guns.  A government that fears the people’s ownership of guns is a totalitarian government that rules at gunpoint.  Scary, be afraid, be very afraid.

Next on Obama’s agenda is another 20% of the economy, the healthcare industry.  Obama has promised the union bosses, the source of his greatest financial support, that he will institute a single payer healthcare system to get them out of their retirement fund dilemma, a dilemma caused by the bosses plundering the fund, much of which went to electing Obama.  While the unions will get what they want, Obama will get control of another $3 trillion dollars annually from which to siphon for his political purposes.  Once instituted, the catastrophe, particularly to seniors, of a single payer system will be impossible to undo.

Obama says his new plan will have teeth in it to prevent services to illegals.  That is because he plans to ram through an amnesty so there will not be any illegals.  He has always used 47 million as the number to be included.  That number includes at least 14 million, and quite possibly as high as 22 million illegals.  About 80% of illegals are of voting age, and are viewed as another voting block for Dear Leader, Obama.

In order to get more money to manipulate the system and perpetuate himself in power, the radicals bent on subverting this country have hatched another plot.  It’s called Cap & Trade.  Every industry which emits CO2 into the atmosphere will have to buy a permit to do so.  The permit will be for a finite quantity.  Then the permitted industries will pay a fee based on the tons of CO2 they emit at a cost in dollars per ton, per month.

The sale of permits and ongoing fees from tons emitted, will net the government hundreds of billions annually.  Friends of Obama, such as Goldman Sachs, Al Gore, and others, will be franchised to act as brokers for the trading of carbon emissions.  If company A has reduced its emissions, it can sell the remaining credit to company B which has grown and needs to emit more.  The brokerage fees will make these people immensely wealthy.

All this new money flowing into the government, and friends of the administration comes from you, dear reader, to the tune of more than $2,000 annually as an increase in your family’s cost of living,  Your electricity bill will likely double.  All fuels will cost more. and as energy is a component of every product, absolutely everything down to toothpicks is going to cost you more as a result of Cap & Trade.  And, it’s not a tax, just a burden for all to carry.  The 5% Obama promised to screw, mostly the "rich white people" Jeremiah Wright railed against in Obamas face for 20 years, are going to get financially disemboweled, and the money redistributed to the bottom of the 95%, thereby creating another large voting block for Dear Leader.

Cap & Trade is the outgrowth of the hysteria over the effect of CO2 on the planet.  It is assailed as a noxious, poison gas which causes the greenhouse effect, and if it increases ever so little, croplands will turn to desert, the poles will melt, the oceans will rise 200 feet, and humanity will be largely wiped out.  A complete fraud without a shred of empirical evidence to support it.  Pure hysteria whipped up by the left to create another crises as a basis of stealing more power.

The Ice cores taken in the Antarctic tell us that the concentration of CO2 in 1850 was 290 parts per million.  For those of you educated by the NEA, that means it it’s a wee, teensy bit.  It’s like 1 peanut in a bowl of 2,633 cashews.  CO2 is the gas you exhale.  Today, the concentration is 31% higher.  It’s 380 ppm, an increase of 90 ppm and what?  No end of the world.  How can that be?  It be because the principal greenhouse gas which keeps the earth from turning into a snowball is WATER VAPOR.

Water vapor rising from the oceans provides 90% of all of the various heat retention effects which prevent the earth from freezing.  As the ice cores also show, going back more than 100,000 years, the CO2 concentration has been both lower and very much higher.  During those cycles, the earth’s temperature change PRECEDED the CO2 concentration change.  Clearly, CO2 concentration is NOT a precursor to temperature change.  The reverse is the case.

So, obviously the CO2 crisis exists only in the minds of those who, lacking education in the sciences who have been duped.  Cap & Trade is a scheme.  A monumental fraud concocted to make a few well connected people very rich, and for Obama to get his hands on immense additional funds.  Money is power, and Obama intrinsically cannot accumulate enough of it.  However much he has, he will always seek more at any cost.  A number of psychologists have determined he is a narcissist, and that’s the most dangerous possible personality to hold power over a nation.

Obama shares this psychological characteristic with Stalin, Hitler, and many other despots.  There is no reason to expect Obama to behave any differently than they did.  As he accumulates power, Obama will become ever more oppressive.  Liberties will disappear one after another, then people will start disappearing.  That’s the way it has always worked.  Power corrupts, and the corruption increases with power.

The Congressional elections in 2010, (if by then Obama has not suspended the constitution, and cancelled the elections), will be our last possible chance of stopping him Constitutionally, that is by voting in an anti-Obama coalition of legislators.  Failing that, we’ll probably see the Constitution suspended prior to 2012, and Obama having declared himself president for life.   That’s how it’s always done.  The Communist playbook is open for all to see.  This scenario has been repeated many times in many places.  It rarely fails, because the frog is cooked before it realizes the water was heating.

If you are one of the people to whom such a result for America does not appeal, then, if your congressperson, and senators have been standing against Obama, do everything you can to support their re-election,  If they are Obama’s sycophants, cheering his every unconstitutional act, do not fail to do everything in your power to kick them out of office in 2010.  Donate till it hurts, and walk door to door and explain our peril to as many as you possibly can.  The survival of the republic depends on it.  If Obama’s Congressional majority can be denied him after 2010, he will be hobbled till 2012 when, (if by then Obama has not suspended the constitution, and cancelled the elections),  we can be rid of him, and start repairing the damage.

It will be the political battle of all time.  Remember, Obama raised over $700 Billion during his campaign, much of it from the Middle East.  We can’t let that happen again. The first act of the new Congress must be to create an agency tasked with validating that donations are not coming from outside the country.  The second must be to require all candidates for office to provide documentary evidence of citizenship so we never have another "birther" situation with millions questioning the President’s Constitutional legitimacy. The biggest problem will be the 600,000 useful idiot strong ACORN, or its next incarnation, funded with billions of taxpayer’s dollars, corrupting the election in favor of Obama.  We must have trained poll watchers everywhere, without fail.  The left is notorious for stuffing ballot boxes.

Global Warming Narrative & Need for Cap and Tax… ah Trade, Appear to be Off… Seriously Off Message!

About Ask Marion

I am a babyboomer and empty nester who savors every moment of my past and believes that it is the responsibility of each of us in my generation and Americans in general to make sure that America is as good or even a better place for future generations as it was for us. So far... we haven't done very well!! Favorite Quotes: "The first 50 years are to build and acquire; the second 50 are to leave your legacy"; "Do something that scares you every day!"; "The journey in between what you once were and who you are becoming is where the dance of life really takes place". At age 62 I find myself fighting inoperable uterine Cancer and thanks to the man upstairs and the prayers from so many people including many of my readers from AskMarion and JustOneMorePet... I'm beating it. After losing our business because of the economy and factors related to the re-election of President Obama in 2012 followed by 16-mos of job hunting, my architect-trained husband is working as a trucker and has only been home approximately 5-days a month since I was diagnosed, which has made everything more difficult and often lonely... plus funds are tight. Our family medical deductible is 12K per year for two of us; thank you ObamaCare. But thanks to donations from so many of you, we are making ends meet as I go through treatment while taking care of my father-in-law who is suffering from late stage Alzheimer's and my mother-in-law who suffers from RA and onset dementia as well as hearing loss, for which there are no caretaker funds, as I continue the fight here online to inform and help restore our amazing country. And finally I need to thank a core group of family, friends, and readers... all at a distance, who check in with me regularly. Plus, I must thank my furkids who have not left my side through this fight. You can see them at JustOneMorePet.
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